Chapter 13

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I don't know if I should make Vylante a thing or not, I need an opinion... MarcusMelon06  help me please?

"Katelyn!" The potato wrapped her arms around the tall girl, her fingers squeezing the others wrists. "How was your weekend?"

"It was," she paused trying to wriggle out of Aphmau's grip, "okay. I like school better."

"Oh really?" The raven haired girl giggled, shaking her head when she noticed the girl in front of them scribbling rods out in her notebook. "Why?"

"Because you're here."

The younger's face glew, "ah, erm.. wh-what?"

"I said, because you're here," Katelyn repeated. "I like you, for some odd ass reason, Aphmau."

"Re-Really?" Her voice got all high, and her face burned a pink. "Me-Me?" Katelyn nodded her cheeks rose red despite her confident nature, her hands fidgeted, sweaty, too. " you, too."

"Sweet!" The girl cried, Aphmau giggled and hid her face in the others back, for she hadn't let go. "So like... do we go on dates- or just..?"

"Girlfriends?" She whisper asked.

"Sure," The bluenette smiled, running her fingers over the girls hand, she couldn't really move with Aphmau's arms around her. It was awkward, but a good awkward? Does that exist? Eh, who cares? "Now, let go- Ms. Cart has to do role."

Aphmau's arms retracted from the other and she sat down. Girls are pretty, boys are handsome, nonbinary people are adorable. She sat down kicking the girl in front of them's chair, And the girl shot up. "Freya the teachers taking role."

The hazel haired girl smiled and thanked her. They all sat at attention when the elderly lady started calling names, most people raised their hands or said 'here'. She sounded like a dying cat! How could anyone listen- they only heard their names. The creeking of the door interrupted the start of the day, a small boy walked in. His eyes blood shot and nose red. Earbuds dangled over his neck- he looked kinda sad. "GOD- okay, why are you here?"

"My homeroom," his voice was soft and kinda melancholy. Can voice tones be melancholy?

"Sit there." He did, right beside Freya. And her face lit up, Aph squealed slightly as her lover smiled.



"Katie! Did you see?! She likes him! And he blushed! AGH THEY'RE SO CUTEEE!!"

Katelyn smiled, she didn't even yell at the potato for calling her Katie. Oh damn, she must be head over heals, that never happens. Ever. She hates being called Katie. Unless it's by her younger brother.

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