Chapter 16

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The day had come. All dressed in black, the kids stood, watching the car pull out of the garage, Travis agreed to go with Laurence, because that meant he got to see his (boyyy) Zane-y. He did not, However, realize how much this was going to kill them all. A sniffle here, a sniffle there? No no, Garroth full on broke the fuck down. His mother- the woman who birthed him- was being buried. Last night, Garroth was on the couch, all night- so fucking tired.

"Thanks for driving," One of the not sobbing boys patted Katelyn on the shoulder and she nodded as a your welcome.

She did have her own fucking problem er sort of mess- in the passenger seat, "No problem, say, uh Aph you okay?" The girl just nodded. "Okay.."

The car ride was silent other than quiet sobbing and sharp breathing, and soft instrumental music playing in the background, it soothed Zane- so Travis played it as quietly as he could. It was long. Long and draw ride to the cemetery that is, when they stepped in.. they started breaking. Aph bit her lip to the point where it bled. It wasn't even her birth mother and she started crying, A woman who took her in, and treated her like her daughter- even before he mother disappeared.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," The elderly man stood near the wooden coffin, starting the service. As he spoke the three non related teenagers watched the others fall apart. And on the opposite row- Garte sat, straight faced and 'listening'. The kids couldn't get up, they couldn't say anything. They just couldn't. It seemed too real and saying something would make it real. Official.


He did. The murderer- stood there. Next to her, saying words. He ruined her ceremony, her moment to be blessed and sent to the heavens at peace. No, that blonde bastard, stepped up there, saying something that all the teens knew was a lie. Oh god, he was gonna regret it, his teenage lookalike stood up, pushing Laurence's hands of him. With all his might he shoved his father to the ground. Screaming in his face, "You killed her you SICK BASTARTD! I hope you rot in hell!"

He proceeded to beat the shit out of his father.

"Garroth!" Laurence tried to pull the boy of his father, only to be shoved back.

It only go more violent, all because he had that same damn smirk he had while he was in the police car. That sick "you know I did it" smirk, the one Garroth swore he'd would get off his face, even if it mean beating him senseless.

"Garroth please- Look at Vylad!" Despite his state, Garte kept on that smirk as his son got off of him. His nose was bloody yes, and his chest did ache hard, he just couldn't help but think of how this would hurt his 'sons' reputation.

— again, we here same time, just different view.

"Vylad breathe," Zane soothed, "he isn't going to hurt you, just Garte."

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