Chapter 11

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"Zane!" The eighteen year old yelled across the home, an embarrassed expression on his face. He was going to kill his siblings. "Vylad! Aphmau! All of you, down here now!"

His arms folded across his chest, he gave his family the stink eye. "Why- Why would you let me sleep- In a Café?! In front of him?! And let him take me home?!"

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" Laurence hissed, and Travis snickered. Yeah, Laurence had to get Travis and Dante to pick them up, Luisa had to borrow the car for work. "You're the one who kicked me."

"Why are they even here?" Vylad asked, arms crossed as he mimicked his oldest brother. "You don't-"

"I want to make sure if I kill you, I have ways of hiding your bodies."

"GaRrOtH- No murder, My car is black! Don't do itttt." The blue haired boy whined, dragging a hand through his hair. Travis laughed and messed the perfectly combed hair up. "Travis!"

— (not a time skip, this is just focusing on something else.)

'Oh no' was all he could think. He tugged his mask up high, and looked around before settling on looking at the coffee table. His heart was racing. Mind, too. His freckled skin burned around his cheekbones, and his breath was hitched. This was social anxiety right? His hair over his eye began to stick to his face from sweat, this had to be social anxiety!

"Zane, you okay?" Aphmau asked, she put her hand on his forehead and moved his mask down to his chin. "Garroth, Zane's red!" Oh no, was right. Vylad started freaking out which only stared his embarrassment, and Garroth just broke out laughing. "Garroth why are you laughing?!"

"You act like we live in a 1900's film! He's flustered!" Garroth Cackled, Aph gave a smug look, letting Zane properly put on his mask and hide his blush. "That's- FucK-"

Aph pushed him, right into Laurence. The blondes face lit up like house lights on December first. He was stuttering out Random half apologizes, and trying to stand properly. He was too gay for existence. Besides that gay, our other, Zane, was dying on the couch. He made eye contact with our green eyed Non related baby, both of their faces changing a shade. Travis's getting red and Zane's getting redder.

Awkwardly, Travis walked over and sat down with Zane while the other laughed at the dying Larroth, "Hey..."

"H-Hi." The raven haired boy's shy voice cracked out, and he sunk his face into his hands.

"I'm Travis."


"Nice ta meet ya!" He smiled, an unexpected amount of enthusiasm being used to speak to this kid. Oh gosh he's gonna be a handful huh?

Hum.. should I have them go out on a friend-date?

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