How long have i been gone?

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I looked in the doorway and all i saw was a little baby.  A girl to be exact.  She was laying on the floor in a puddle of gasoline.  Then baby had her mouth covered with a doctors mask.  She could still breathe.  Thank god we came over!  That was all i could think.  I picked up the baby girl.  She was gasping for air and since i was a nature fairy i was able to clear out her lungs and make her clean again.  She was relieved, i could see it in her eyes.  She stared at me and i held her until she was almost asleep.  There was a car seat sitting right next to the door and a diaper bag.  There was also a lighter, it was placed their as if someone had dropped it. 

"Alken.  Take the baby and her stuff to the sidewalk.  Take it down the curb as far as you can.  I will be coming in a minute."

"Do you remember we have a chauffeur?  I told him to wait a few minutes and explained our situation."

"Thank god!  Take her and her stuff to the car then and tell him to wait at the curb.  Wait with the baby then come back with me.  I'm not sure if i will be able to take this alone."


He did as i asked him to then we headed off into the house.  It reeked of gasoline where the baby was laying.  I couldn't believe what i had just seen.  I was very disturbed.  Imagine what would have happened if i had stayed there.  Wait...What was that...  I heard my dad calling from somewhere but i couldn't figure out where.  Alken and I followed his voice.  How long have i been gone?  My dad was trapped in a wall.  The wall had a whole nother world behind it.  I was going to step in then my father stopped me.

"Ana do not step in here.  I repeat do not step in here.  Theirs only one way in and one way out."

"If theres a way out why haven't you left?"  I said that with attitude.  I didn't understand why he hadn't left already if he had found a way out.

"I cant find it.  She told me i would have to find it if i wanted out.  It's hidden in this realm."

A realm?  Whats a realm? 

"Go now!  She adopted a daughter because she said she had missed you but she was lying!  It was all a lie!."  He slammed the wall as if he was trying to break it.

"Where is she?"

"I don't know.  She burnt herself with the ligher and dropped it.  Then she went to go to the store to get some ice."

"How did you get in there?"

"I saw her trying to light that baby on fire and i took the baby and ran when she wasn't looking.  I left her by the front door and then she made a puddle of gasoline and left her there.  Then she  left and as soon as she was gone you guys showed up."

"I see.  I saved the baby.  I don't know if you know but i am a garden fairy.   And this is Alken."

"Hello son.  And yes i know.  Your mother was very pleasant to see her children with her powers.  No time to talk though.  She will be back any minute.  Help me then hide when you hear her.  Did you leave the door open?"

"No i closed it back to how it was.  And the baby is with our driver."


I tried to figure out this realm thing.   Alken and i were prepared to run and hide while trying to get our dad out.  This was the most pressure i had been under since i had to work 3 jobs and be on time for those and school.  The door opened and my step mom was talking on the phone.

"I have to go GIna, i will talk to you tomorrow.  Wait a second.  The babies gone."

it was silent.  Then she spoke.

"I don't know.  Shes gone!  Looks like i have to go look for her.  The wise one must have a sacrifice.  I have to go."

Alken and i buried ourselves in the piles of laundry.  We were crunched down as low as we could.  We left cracks out so we could see.

"So...Honey...  Hows the realm?"


"Oh you poor thing..."  She said that with sarcasm. 

Alken held my hand and told me in a whisper to not think of anything and not to get scared.  Keep your mind straight.

"Allison!  Do you understand how sick you are?  You wanted to sacrifice a baby!"

She laughed as if it brought her joy "Yes, yes i did.  And it would have been delightful and the wise one would have been proud."

The she spoke again.  "I have to go get another baby." 

She left and we heard the door shut.  Alken went to check if she had really left.  She waited on the othe side of the door for about 10 minutes then she officially left.  We made a run for it and told the driver to go back to the airport.  We needed our mom.

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