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I woke up the next morning and something didn't feel right. I checked the clock.

10:20 am. 

Shit! I had slept in. I was so tired from last night that I had forgot to set an alarm for the next morning. I checked my phone and noticed I had 3 unread messages from Otis.

otisslayer17: thank you again for an awesome day!

otisslayer17: hi vivienne where are you? 

otisslayer17: Are you ok? Are you sick? Not to be creepy I'm just checking up on you heh-

Me: omg! Otis i slept in, im just leaving my house!

I quickly leaped out of my bed and headed over towards the bathroom. I slapped on a pair of skinny jeans and a white t-shirt and grabbed some blueberries for breakfast.

 I headed towards the portable and waited for Otis for lunch. He saw me from quite far away and waved happily. He seems so excited to see me.

"I was worried about you where were you?" He ran towards me. 

"I overslept I forgot to set my alarm clock last night. Did you think I was dead?" I chuckled.

"No-no of course not!" Yes he did.

"Surprise. We have a chemistry project. You and your partner are to create a powerpoint and lecture the class on a certain topic in chemistry. It's supposed to be helpful for our midterms and final exams." He handed me the packet.

"Project? Who's my partner?" 

"You're looking at him." He smiled.

"We're partners! Oh thank goodness. When should we start this?" 

"It's not due for another month so we have a decent amount of time. I know you're very-very busy so when-"

"We'll start whenever you want. Don't worry about my schedule." I smiled.

I suddenly got lightheaded as a rush of chills raced throughout my body. I took a few steps back and Otis grabbed me as I nearly collapsed on the ground. 

Chemistry (Otis Milburn)Where stories live. Discover now