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There was an awkward silence.

"So, do you want to go out for some coffee or-something?" I tried breaking the silence, and the ice while I was at it.

He subtly nodded. "Would love to."

"Great! I'll meet you there?" I slowly turned towards my car to signal that I was leaving until he stopped me.

"Let's go in my car. It'd make more sense." He spoke in a softer tone than I had expected. 

The car ride was just as I expected-quiet. Halfway through, Nick turned on some indie rock music to break the awkward silence, which I didn't mind at all, but the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about Otis. I wish I could tell him and I still didn't know why I felt he needed to know more than anybody- even Camille. 

"So, do you like modeling?" Nick finally spoke. 

"It's fun, definitely fun. How do you like- acting? I mean I'm sure you love it, you're pretty fantastic so-"

"Wait, you really think so?" He interrupted.

"Well of course do you not think that?" I was surprised actually, I thought he was going to say he already knew that he was and that he didn't need a second opinion. 

"I believe I am a decent actor, so thank you for that compliment. It really means a lot." He gave a slight smirk.

Who even was this guy? 

We drove for about 2 miles and pulled up to a very aesthetic, cute coffee shop. Nick stepped out first and walked around the car to my side to open the car door for me- what a gentleman.

The barista instantly recognized one or both of us as her eyes widened as soon as we walked in. Nick and I slowly walked over to the counter as he gave her a slight smirk and nodded his head hello. 

"What can I get for you guys today?" She said in the most enthusiastic tone. 

"I'd like a mocha with extra whipped cream." What a bold choice, Nick.

"Can I have a chai latte with espresso please?" I smiled and turned to Nick, who was reaching for his wallet. 

"Perfect! B-by the way I just wanted to tell you guys I'm such a big fan of both of you guys. I can't believe I'm taking your order!" How adorable.

"How cute, thank you!" I gave the most awkward smile as we both headed towards a table and sat down. 

"She was so nice! Don't you think?" I turned to Nick.

"Sure, adorable." 

"Why the sarcasm?" I couldn't tell if he was joking or not. 

"What do you want me to say? That's not the first time someone has told you that, right?" 

"It's not, but that doesn't mean it's not nice to hear." 

"Don't get me wrong, it's great to hear. I just-" 

"What happened?" I knew Nick wasn't an asshole, there has to have been some reason he wasn't the biggest fan-of fans.

"We'll save that for another time. So, I heard you go to a public school. How's that going?" 

"It's-definitely going. It's difficult trying to keep a low profile and balancing work with school." 

"Have you made any friends at your school?" 

"I have made one friend. He's very nice and understands that I-" Nick gave me a smirk and elbowed my shoulder.

"He? " I roll my eyes. 

"It's definitely not what you think, he's been the only friend I've made at school actually, but lately I've been hesitant about it." I wanted to ask him if he knew about the rumors online about Otis and I, but I had a feeling he already knew. 

"Oh! There was a rumor about you guys dating, wasn't there? Or was that someone else?"

There it is. 

"That was him! We are just friends. Just. Friends." I almost spelled it out for him and anyone else who may have been eavesdropping into the conversation. 

"Look, I'm just telling you what I read online, that's it." He laughed.

"I know I'm sorry if I came off as rude. It's just-"

"No Vivienne, I get it. I can tell you're trying to protect him. After all, he is a normal guy, but if you're hesitant about your friendship with him, maybe that is your gut instinct trying to tell you something." He explained.

"I do want to trust him, but right now I don't know what I want to do." 

"And that's okay too. Don't sweat it." He gave me a warm smile. 

I gave a slight, awkward smile in return as the barista brought our drinks over in a cute, wooden tray. 

We drove back to the office where my car was parked and waved goodbye. 

"I'll dm you on twitter and we can talk from there?" Nick smiled. 

"Sounds like a plan."

Nick really was an interesting character. I didn't expect him to be so quiet and reserved, I actually thought he was more full of himself- but I'm glad he proved me wrong. 

I ran up to my room as soon as I got home and messaged Otis. 

Me: hey! do you want to work on the project soon?

otisslayer17: I've already started. 

Me: Oh! okay can you catch me up so I can work on my part?

otisslayer17: It's fine Vivienne I'll just do it. 

Me: What? No it's a group project we're in this together. 

otisslayer17: It's fine. Trust me, have a good night.

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