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It was Jack. God I wanted to run him over. 

"Move out of the way!" I honked at him, I felt my dizziness slowly coming back. 

"Where do you think you're going, princess? Oh! You even brought your little butler with you too!" He stood there with his arms crossed.

"Get out of the fucking way before I run you over!" Calling Otis my butler was where I drew the line. I turned to him.

"Otis you really don't think I see you as-"

"Vivienne I know." He smiled back. I felt a cold rush throughout my body as I began to get lightheaded again. 

"What is the whole point of this?" If I didn't eat something soon, I knew I was going to pass out. 

"Vivienne let me handle this." Otis wanted to get out of the car but I stopped him. As helpful as he was trying to be, there's no way he would win a fight. 

I turned to the rearview mirror and noticed Jack's face turning red after I told him off, but he still stood there.

 "Get out of the car! I want to see what you're going to do." He yelled. I could hear his friends telling him to move, but he didn't budge.

"Oh my god, Vivienne you're turning pale again. I'll go get the nurse." 

"No, he's going to hurt you. You know how dumb jocks are, they love to pick-" My eyes started closing as I fought to keep them open so Jack wouldn't hurt Otis. When were the hall monitors when we needed them? 

"I'm waiting! Come on, what are you going to do, hit me with your fancy designer handbag?" 

I wanted to get out and deal with him myself, but I was too dizzy to step out of the car and I didn't let Otis leave either because I knew he was going to try and fight him. We were trapped.

"Vivienne! Stay with me please! I'll go get the nurse!" I heard Otis say. His voice became more and more faint as I grabbed him by his hand, but was too weak to keep my grip. I felt his hand on my face as he tried keeping me from falling, but it didn't help.


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