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"A sex therapist? If that's the case, you must know a lot about sex then." That definitely was not the answer I was expecting. 

"Yeah, sort of. I mean, I haven't really told anyone." He tried to hide behind the menu, but I grabbed it from him. 

"Otis! Your mum is a sex therapist and you're telling me you don't really know much about sex?" 

"Okay, but who cares even if I did? It's useless." 

"Don't people at school come to you for advice?" 

"People only come to me for homework answers, Vivienne."

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. I'm attending this event tomorrow for a clothing company, and I want you to come with me and attend the afterparty." I don't know if Otis was a party person, but it was worth a shot taking him. 

"Wait you want me to go to an ev- are you sure? That's a big deal Vivienne I don't want to cause any trouble or cause anything to go wrong."

"Otis don't talk nonsense! You'll be just fine. Just wear a suit and you'll be good to go. Besides, you'll have me there with you." 

Otis smiled at me and nodded. "I would absolutely love to go."


I went to my fitting for the event after I dropped Otis off. I still didn't know if inviting Otis was a good idea, but the answer to that question should reveal itself soon. I felt tonight would be the best time to tell Camille about my new friend, so I gave her a call.

"Hey, where are you right now?" I asked.

"I'm getting some dinner, why? Did you need something? Are you drunk? Are you catching feelings?"

"None of those-yet. Just come over tonight. I just left my fitting, so I'll text you when I'm home."

"You got it, I'll see you."

"Great. Love you." I hung up as I took a deep breath. Boy was I nervous.

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