Ralbert - Tux shopping

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Race didn't understand tuxedos why is there so much cuff? Why were they so stiff? And why the hell were Jack and Davey having an outdoor wedding in August? Don't ask Race he had no idea. Race had chosen the simplest tuxedo he could find and he was on his last nerve.

As he examined himself in the mirror Race was skeptical to say the least. Albert had practically dragged Race to the mall because apparently 'You can't just wait until two days before to rent a tux' Albert had been insistent and Race couldn't help but cave. He couldn't say no to Albert with his pretty red hair, dazzling eyes, and soft looking lips that Race wouldn't mind- 'Nope nopity nope think straight thoughts' Race chastised himself.

Quickly tying his tie Race stepped out of the dressing room. Albert was staring at his phone. "Albert," Albert didn't look up which ticked Race off a bit because Albert was one who'd dragged him here. "Albert?" Albert glanced up and turned paler than Race thought was humanly possible.

"Is it really that bad?" Albert opened his mouth to say something but no sound came out. He turned from deathly pale to bright red in half a second.

"Look, I'll go change," Race suggested, turning away.
"You can't," Albert finally spoke.
"You can't just look like that," Albert gestured at Race.
"I shouldn't have tried this one on but why are you being-"

Race learned two things that day formal dressing is not really his thing and it's really hard to argue with someone when they're kissing you.
February 7, 2019
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