Interruptions - Ralbert

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 Albert was terrified. Race was sitting across the table wearing a suit and tie and Albert couldn't think straight. His curly blond hair was tamed for once, although Albert preferred him to be a blushing mess he looked dazzling when he was put together as well. Albert wasn't listening to a word coming out of Race's mouth. 

Actually he was trying very hard not to throw up. The little green velvet box was burning a hole in his pocket. The ring wasn't much just silver with a small expression 'platea dolors' a latin phrase roughly translating to 'Street smarts' a long running inside joke that Race had murmured before kissing Albert for the first time. It was like a promise almost. To stay safe. Now with Race in front of him Albert didn't know if he could do it. He knew that Jojo, Elmer, Specs, and Buttons were somewhere in the restaurant watching his every move.

 They'd walked in on Albert rehearsing his speech. They'd promised they were disguised well Albert called bullshit. What if Race said no. What if Race broke up with him. What if... Albert's thoughts were interrupted by a hand on his. It made his heart leap out of his chest even now. Race was running his thumb over each of Albert's knuckles smiling an almost bored smile. "Do you ever think about like... us?" That sounded like a breakup line, that sounded like Race was about to breakup with him and Albert wasn't sure he could handle it.

"I- yeah I do sometimes," Albert admitted not trusting his voice to not quiver. "So I was thinking about-" "I'm sorry I really have to go to the bathroom," Albert interrupted standing up. He didn't wait for a response before rushing off towards the bathrooms. Once there Albert leaned his hands against the sink and tried to hype himself up, utterly failing. 

"Fuck it," Albert murmured tucking his hands in his pockets and taking a deep breath. He straightened his suit jacket and left the bathroom sitting back down across from Race. "You okay?" Race asked glancing up from his phone, Albert nodded. Race stashed his phone in his pocket and folded his hands resting them on the table. Albert on the other hand had his beneath the table fiddling his thumbs and trying to breathe normally. "So Albert like I was saying I uhm was thinking about our future and I really think-," 

A waiter interrupted setting down the menus on the table and asking for their drink orders. Race ordered something alcoholic while Albert just stuck to Dr. Pepper. Once the waiter left Race started again, "Like I wa-," when a literal troop of waiters came up carrying the most beautiful cupcake on the planet earth and set it in front of them. It took them both a second to realize there was a ring sticking off the top. "Woahwoahwoahwoahwoah," Albert managed, "That isn't ours," Race clarified to the over smiling waiters. 

The waiters turned to make eye contact and hurried away. The whole restaurant was staring at them and Race turned bright red putting his head in his arms so only his ridiculous curly hair was visible. Albert just smiled sheepishly that is till he got smacked upside the head by a passing customer. He glanced up ready to fight but it was just a poorly disguised Jojo opening an imaginary ring box. Albert got the idea and shooed Jojo away. 

He fiddled with the green box for a second and then placed it on the table. His heart was in his throat. He flipped up the lid and pushed it towards the center of the table. Every second felt like an hour. He watched the little second hand on Race's watch move six times before Race sat up. He saw the ring and laughed it off before he looked at Albert who looked dead serious. 

"Race will you-"

 "Shut up," 


"Albert fucking DaSilva shut your goddamn mouth," 

Albert didn't move he didn't even breathe as Race continued. 

"I want to remember this forever you prick and if you keep talking I'm not going to," 

Albert didn't know what to feel.

 "Ok your time to shine, go ahead," Race said looking at Albert expectantly.

 Albert looked utterly confused.

 "Race will yo-," Albert was interrupted by Race grabbing him by his shirt leaning across the table and kissing him. Albert pushed him back into his seat.

 "Antonio Higgins will you let me say the fucking thing before you do that?" 

"Yeah Race shut uppp," A person who was undoubtedly Elmer called from a table with three other people sitting at it. (I fucking wonder who they are). Race glared at Elmer. They left the restaurant before the waiter could charge them five dollars for the drinks. Ending up in the parking lot neither of them got on one knee instead they just hugged while soft snowflakes fell around them and their friends threw snowballs at each other. 


Ralbert for the soul

Yours Truly,


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