Queens - Elmer - Part One

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AN: Ok so basically this is about Elmer but its not a xreader or anything its just a little tid bit its also really long.                                                                                                                                                                   =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Elmer was always the butt of the jokes in the lodging house. It stung a bit the truth in their jokes but he wouldn't let that show. All his life Elmer was told he was worthless and he always denied it always jumped back up and fought the but now he was starting to believe it. He didn't have enough money to pay for lodging this week. He wasn't about to say anything he didn't want the other boys spending their money on him. That day he decided to not sell afternoon papes and get his stuff from the lodging house without a fuss from the boys. He trudged back scuffing his boot on the cobblestones. Once he entered the lodging house he was hit by all the memories that had occurred here. He smiled when he remembered the time Finch climbed into rafters with Romeo's favorite socks or the day the papes had sold so well that they put a part of the money together and Race cooked spaghetti and it'd actually turned out well which had surprised Elmer greatly.

 Sighing Elmer made his way over to his bunk. He carefully rolled up his thin ratty blanket and tucked it into his newspaper bag. His bunk looked unnaturally bare as Elmer turned away from it and ran into someone...Romeo. Elmer had absolutely nothing against Romeo except the fact he could make more money by noon then Elmer could in three days. That just ticked off Elmer off a bit though he would never show it. "Hey Elmer," he greeted cheerily. Elmer mumbled a quiet hello back. "Where are you going?" Elmer figured he should probably lie if he wanted to get away from here. "I'm just off to sell the last of my papes I forgot my, uh necklace," Elmer sighed hoping Romeo wouldn't point out the obvious but of course he did "You don't own any necklaces," without another word Elmer turned on his heel almost whispering a goodbye to Romeo. 

Elmer just made it across the Brooklyn Bridge before it started snowing. He cursed, of course it had to snow the day he ran out of money of fucking, (a word Race had taught him) course. As darkness fell the snow on the ground thickened. Elmer couldn't very well sit down in it he might actually freeze to death so he kept walking until every shop he passed was closed and he couldn't feel his fingers. As he walked the wind started to pick up sending ice crystals whirling through the air where they got the light and spun. They breathtaking but also hurt a great bit when they met skin. Elmer decided to sit down for a few minutes if not to rest then to just stay away from the stabby crystals. Except as Elmer sat there wrapped in his thin blanket and ridiculously thin pants he felt himself nod off sinking into the warmth of sleep.


Ok if I publish this now I've posted twice in a day be proud of me I have four more minutes.


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