Jojo x Elmer - Library

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Something other than Ralbert for once

Someone slammed a book down on Elmer's counter making him jump. "I need the next book or I might implode," They said with an urgency Elmer had felt many times before. He glanced up from his book at the stranger then down at the stranger's book. 

It was Carry On an absolutely wonderful book by Rainbow Rowell. "There isn't a next book," Elmer stated matter of factly.

 The guy looked personally offended. "I'm sorry there isn't a second book?!"

 The dude was very loud so Elmer leaned forward and hissed "No but will you be quiet before you get yourself kicked out,"

 "I mean there has to be a second book," The guy continued. "What's your name?" the guy asked as an afterthought.


 "Well I'm Jojo,"

 "Like Jojo Siwa?" 

"If one more person asks me that I will murder them,"

 "You could murder me anyday," Elmer retorted.

 Jojo turned red and Elmer picked his book back up. Jojo snatched the book from Elmer's hands. 

"Hey!" Elmer snapped.

 "Are you allergic to social interaction?" Jojo asked smirking.

 "Yes," Elmer reached for his book. 

"Well that's too bad I was going to ask you on a date," Jojo laughed handing back Elmer's book. 

"Who said I'd go with you?" Elmer retorted still grumpy Jojo had taken his book. 

"My friends," Jojo gestured to three kids who were scouring the bookshelves for something. 

"What are they looking for?" Elmer asked. 

"Grey's Anatomy,"

"That's a tv show,"

 "It's a medical encyclopedia also I despise that show also aren't you supposed to be a librarian?" 

"Yeah sorry I haven't memorized every book in this library I got bored after I finished with the Young Adult section,"

 "You memorized the whole YA section?" Jojo asked almost in awe. 

"Aaby, Alberti-" Elmer began listing the names of authors.

"I believe you," Jojo raised his hands in mock defeat. 

"So coffee, Friday, whenever your shift ends, I'll pick you up heere?" Jojo persisted. 

"Coffee, Friday, four, and pick me up in the parking lot," Jojo nodded scribbling down his phone number on Elmer's bookmark before giving Elmer awkward bisexual finger guns and walking away. 


I spaced this out differently then I usually do, is it as bad as I think it is? 

There's no telling.

Yours Truly,


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