Ralbert - Sunflowers - Part Two

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TW: Anxiety attack, anxiety medication mentions, and implied old self harm. 

^^What Jack painted

Sunflowers just like the ones on Albert's arm. "Woulda look at that," Specs murmured from behind Albert. Albert couldn't move he wanted to tell Race, maybe say something sweet but he could barely breathe. Eighteen years of waiting and it'd been goddamn Racetrack Higgins the DaSilva's old neighbor and Albert's long time sort of friend. And then he realized Race was a boy. 

He had a boy soulmate. Ohoho shit... was the only thought that crossed Albert's mind. He had a boy soulmate. This is exactly why Albert didn't want to meet his soulmate he couldn't he just couldn't. Albert dropped his history textbook and booked it straight past Jenny at her locker, out the front door, and around the side of the school building where he collapsed against the cool brick. This could not be happening. He had a boy soulmate and it had to be goddamn Antonio Higgins of all people. The straightest person on the planet. What great luck Albert had. 

He'd already fallen for Race when he lived a house down from him, it was living hell he didn't need a repeat of that. The cool autumn air was not helping Albert calm down instead Albert's heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. His palms all of a sudden were slick with sweat. Albert did not need to have an attack at school. Not in the first month. He'd promised himself this year would be better and so far it was shit. His fingertips were trembling. Oh no no that's not good. Albert's breathing seized up and he struggled to pull air into his lungs. He hadn't had an attack this bad in at least two years. He thought he was getting better. No this was not going to be a good year. Slowly but surely Albert tamed his breathing. His heart stopped pounding along the way thankfully.

 Albert stood up and dusted himself off. His head spun and he realized he couldn't get through the day like this. As soon as he entered the nurse's office Sid asked "Have another attack?" Albert just nodded staring at his shoes. "I thought I was doing better," he stated, the disappointment in himself clear throughout his voice. "Did you take your meds?" Nurse Sid asked. "I stopped taking them in July," Albert responded his voice even more shameful. "Did it come out of nowhere or did something trigger it?" she practically interrogated. "Soulmate," Albert whispered. She looked at him pity evident in her eyes. "Who?" "Race," She just nodded and asked "Home?" Albert nodded tears blurring his vision. Once he got home Albert heard his phone buzz but he didn't check it throwing it to the side and climbing into bed.

 Albert woke up to his dad calling for him to get dinner. Albert obliged having not eaten lunch. As soon as he sat down at the table he half regretted it. The first question out of Jenny's mouth was "Did you meet your soulmate?" Albert nodded not looking up. "Well what happened?" asked his father. "I had anxiety attack outside of the science building, are we done here?" "Did she know you were her soulmate?" His dad questioned further. Albert stood up pushing his chair back. "I didn't tell him," Then Albert froze, he could feel Jen tense on the other side of the table. "Him?" both of his parents asked at the same time. Albert did the only thing he knew how, he ran. Upstairs and into his room. The goddamn pronouns he should have thought about the pronouns. The downstairs was silent and then his phone dinged with Jen's little ding (forgive me it's late) and Albert grabbed it. 

The Insanely Cool Jenny DaSilva: They aren't mad they dad just keeps opening his mouth like a fish and mom just took a shot of vodka.

read: 7:23 by Al

Albert didn't check for other texts on his phone just put it back again when he realized there was something sketched on his arm in charcoal or something. Then a stroke of yellow paint then of brown then of green. Albert watched as a small wheat field waving in the wind practically danced across his inner arm. Dark crows swirled into the mix and a violent sky was empty of celestial bodies except for the full moon which lit up the whole field in its beautiful cool glory. It was beautiful. As he was examining the painting Albert noticed a large scar on his thumb that he had definitely not gotten there. It was Race's scar which just made Albert wonder if Race could see the old white lines that scattered his forearms. Then Albert's phone rang and he fell off his bed.


Hey people its very late but please request whatever you want I'll need idea once I finish this story don't be afraid to message me if you like. 

Don't forget to vote if you thought this was decentish it's very hard to tell if I'm doing a good job without feedback. 

Ok thanks


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