AlbertxTommy - Albert and his hair

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TW: mild concussion (is that a warning idk)

Specs and Romeo were being a disgustingly cute couple and it was starting to annoy Tommy Boy. He wasn't jealous of either of them no he was happy for them but all there love intoxicated laughter and their soft smiles were starting to put him on edge. He wanted Albert to smile at him like that. Albert was to busy wrapped up in Jojo and Race's jokes to even notice Tommy Boy much less talk to him.

 It was really starting to affect his mood. Albert and his pretty hair just popped up into his head out of nowhere effectively distracting him from whatever task he was trying to perform. Then at the worst possible time Albert and his hair distracted Tommy, he was crossing the street and a carriage came out of nowhere. The next thing he knew he was laying in the street. Someone was shouting his name and someone else was shaking him. His vision spun and the sounds around him faded out. Albert was standing over him looking terrified.

 Later Tommy would blame his dizzy state on what happened next but that was only partly true. He reached up, grabbed Albert by the collar and pulled him into a kiss. Finch the boy kneeling next to him being the good friend he is pried Tommy's fingers off Albert's collar and pushed him away gently. Albert looked at him confused. "I won't let him do anything he'll regret," Finch murmured scooping Tommy up and hurrying back to the Lodging House. Tommy Boy was fine. Besides a headache that the doctor had dismissed as nothing but that bothered Tommy for another few weeks. The kiss he'd gotten laying in that street well it wasn't the last one between Albert and him. 


Sorry to all the Ralbert shippers but I just discovered this ship and I love it. Also this is so short sorry. 


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