Ralbert - mild insanity and oreo cheesecake

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I wrote this at two in the morning like a week ago when I really wanted cheesecake but I'm lactose intolerant and there was none in the house so heere we are. 

No TW except I don't know if you're lactose intolerant 

Albert did not understand how people liked cheesecake. The texture of it was just too slimy and it probably didn't help that he was hella lactose intolerant (I love cheesecake so this is very hard for me) If we're gonna be honest Albert hadn't eaten cheesecake in years, he saved the amount of dairy he could have a day for grilled cheese because that shit is glorious. When Race announced he and Albert would be making the cheesecake for Jojo's birthday party Albert groaned. Baking with Race was chaotic he always made a mess and everything he made tasted delicious but Albert doubted Race's ability to change his mind over cheesecake.

That's how they both ended up in Race's kitchen surrounded by a bunch of complicated ingredients that exhausted Albert. Race was running around the kitchen frantically searching for something while Albert looked on ultimately bored. Race had a bit of cream cheese smeared just below his eyebrow and Albert reached to wipe it off when got a bit to close to the edge of the counter and slipped right off. Albert hit the floor cursing out every higher power he could think of. Race laughed and offered a hand down. 

Albert took it, and once he got on his feet he got very close to Race and whispered in the most seductive voice he could without laughing "You've got cream cheese on your eyebrow," Race laughed. Albert loved Race's laugh. Race laughed with his whole body, his eyes gleamed, and the edges of his mouth turned up while his shoulders shook. When Race laughed all Albert wanted to do was kiss him. Albert did not kiss him because Race was already busy sliding the cheesecake into the oven.

 Albert reclaimed his place on the counter until Race practically dragged him off insisting he needed to wipe it down. Albert stood in the kitchen waiting for Race to finish. After what felt like forever Race pulled Albert by the hand for platonic cuddles™ on the very floofy couch. Sitting there with Race practically asleep in his arms Albert asked a question he'd been wanting to ask for ages. "Can I kiss you?" he murmured quietly. Race poked his head up from off Albert's chest and nodded frantically. Then Albert was kissing his best friend of twelve years and his mouth tasted like cheesecake and Albert did not mind one bit. The kiss heated up and Race adjusted himself so he was straddling Albert still kissing him...when the timer went off. 


Love me some sleep deprived writing


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