Ralbert - Sunflowers - Part One

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^^The sunflowers Jack painted.

Soulmate AU

Albert's hands were shaking, thirty seconds till he could write to his soulmate. Twenty seconds. Fifteen. Ten. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Then Albert's arm exploded into color. An array of sunflowers coasted all the way from Albert's wrist to up past his tee shirt sleeve. He was in shock. It was two in the morning, he'd just turned eighteen years old, and he was covered in flowers. They must be an artist or maybe someone was painting on them . He lay down on his bed hoping sleep would come to him. It never did.

When he got up in the morning he gazed into the mirror, pulling off his shirt. The sunflowers continued onto his shoulder and slightly onto his neck but ended just before his jawline. He cursed, whoever had done this wanted to find him real bad. He pulled on a hoodie and a pair of jeans but the sunflowers still poked out. He slipped downstairs greeting his father who was scrambling eggs in the kitchen and his mother scribbled away at her journal working on another story Albert suppose. His sister Jenny asked "Hey Al did you get anything from your soulmate?" of course she'd remembered. He pulled the collar of his sweatshirt down to show his sister when his mom leapt up and his father stepped into the dining room "That's great Al!" his mother exclaimed while his father smiled proudly. Albert just shrugged and grabbed a plate of eggs from the kitchen. He quickly before grabbing his backpack and heading towards the door. His father of course blocked his path withe eager questions.

"What are you going to say when you meet her?" Albert's father asked. "Probably hi or something," Albert said. "Come one Jen we have to leave," he called. Jenny with a mouthful of egg scrambled to grab her bag then followed Albert to the car. As they pulled away Jenny almost got them killed by asking "Think it'll be a boy or girl?" Albert slammed on the brakes jolting the whole car to a stop. "Why would it be a boy?" he quickly regained his composure pulling away again. "Why wouldn't it be a boy?" Jenny asked smugly. "How'd you know?" Albert questioned. "I saw the way you used to look at that neighbor kid," Albert groaned resting his head on the steering wheel. "You can't tell anyone," he instructed. "I'm hella gay if you haven't noticed I wouldn't sell out on of my own kind," Albert wasn't exactly surprised but he definitely was not expecting this to be the conversation they had on the way to school.

When they finally arrived and Albert had stepped through the doors he felt more paranoid than ever. He tucked his shaking his hands in his hoodie pocket and hurried to his locker. Specs was already waiting for Albert at his locker. "Hey," he greeted. "Hi," Specs was wearing a tee shirt no traces of sunflowers anywhere that's good at least. "I'll leave you to your soulmate search," Specs laughed and turned away it's like he could read minds or maybe he knew Race wouldn't paint sunflowers on his neck. Thankfully the day had been normal for Albert so far. On his way to math his mood was starting to lift, his soulmate could be all the way across the world and that was okay because then Albert didn't have to worry about them being a jerk, or someone who's personality clashed with Albert's.

Then one of the most powerful cliches (well they were less of a cliche more like a club the newspaper club or Newsies for short) appeared a bit down the hall. Albert had thought about joining the club for a while now because he liked writing and the people seemed nice so he prepared himself to approach them.

Albert knew everyone's names because well it made calling after people a lot easier and he could hang out with anyone that way. He tapped Jack Kelly on the shoulder. The boy turned around and Albert quickly realized how scarier he was up close. "Yes?" "Uh, hi name's Albert I um was wondering where to sign up for the Newspaper club?" Jacks hard features melted into a smile. And he called at the other boys to introduce themselves to Albert. Elmer, Jojo, Mike, Ike, Tommy Boy, Mush, Smalls, Kid Blink, and then Racetrack. Albert turned to acknowledge Race's existence and ended up staring at Race's arm for a good thirty seconds. Sunflowers.


Hey its the author obviously. Forgive my terrible punctuation I actually like this a lot and may make it an actual book we'll see.


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