Ralbert - Not a burglar

551 19 13

TW: Someone gets punched in the face and cursing of course

There was someone in Race and Albert's apartment, they were moving around the kitchen softly but it had woken Albert up. He crept quietly down the hallway holding the toilet scrubber like a sword he tiptoed past Race's bedroom door not waking Race for fear he would be loud and alert the person in their kitchen to their existence. Now Albert stood back pressed against the wall next to the doorframe his heart racing. He set down the toilet scrubber deciding his fists would work better. Leaping up Albert went straight for the person in their kitchen. Lucky for Albert the guy turned around just as he made his way over and Albert socked the kid in the mouth. The boy fell easily and it took Albert a few seconds to realize it was just Race on the floor not some burglar...just Race letting out a stream of violent curses.

"Why the fuck are you walking around the kitchen at three in the morning?!" Albert pulled an unhappy Race to his feet. "Why the fuck did you punch me in the face?!" Race asked incredulously. "I thought you were a burglar!" Albert exclaimed. "Albert we're broke college kids who would want to rob us?" "Good point," Albert huffed. "Why are you awake though?" "I was stress baking," Race explained. "Stress baking?" "Its when you bake because your stressed dipshit," "I know what- you know what nevermind, why are you stressed?" 

"I'm not stressed," "Then why are you stress baking at three in the morning?!" "I don't know," "Obviously you're stressed, Race you can tell me stuff we've known-" "I'm gay," Race interrupted Albert paid no mind. "Each other for twelve years you gotta tell me when somethings wrong or I - wait hold up," Race looked scared no not scared, terrified. "Shit Race, how long have you known?" "Eighth grade," Race replied shyly Albert looked dumbfounded. "Who made you ya know figure it out?," Albert asked. "You," Race looked even more terrified than before he was about to run Albert could see it in the way his muscles tensed and the way he was assessing the exits. "I'm sorry did you just-" "Tell you I had a crush on you? Yes," Albert's face fell for half a second at the 'had' bit. "Had?" he asked. "Have," Race replied while rubbing his neck nervously. "Well I guess we're going to have to go on a date then," Albert sounded a lot more confident than he was. Race did a strange little victory dance which made Albert laugh. "This is really cliche," Race pointed out once they were snuggled together in Albert's bed. "Would you like me to punch you in the mouth again I'd be happy to if you like," Albert suggested. "There's other ways to shut me up you know," Race murmured into Alberts chest "With a di-" Race smacked Albert's shoulder playfully before Albert could finish his sentence. "Kiss me for now dipshit," Race said looking up. Albert obliged. 


Written for @GreenDayisMyLife12 you asked for more I give you more... when I feel like it. 

Ok cool I liked this one actually. 


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