Chapter 3 : Brother

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Katsuki's POV.

After school I walked out to the classroom without any word and then when I reached the gate a feminine voice said

"Bakugou! Wait for me!"

I walked without answering to the voice. She ran up to me and she said

"Bakugou. Like it or not, I'm gonna live with you and with your family from now on. And the teachers said, that you'll be my guardian."

My eyes turned wide.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?"

I shouted.


"The teachers. Well then, let's keep going Baku-"

"Well, well.. How come I see my little sister in the middle of the city..?? Alice~!"

Alice's POV.

My eyes was wide and soulless when I looked at the manly figure on a rooftop.


I was suffering for seeing it. I was scared and I wanted to hide, so I ran behind Bakugou, I grabbed his shirt and I just stayed there. Then, Bakugou suddenly got me in his arms and he ran into a blind ally. He placed me down and he gave me his phone, then he whispered

"Alice. Call one of the teacher, quick..! And don't be scared, I will protect you."

I hesitantly nodded, he ran out and I called All Might. He didn't answered, so I called Aizawa. He didn't picked up either. I looked out to see what is happened to the boys's. I was so worried about Bakugou.

Suddenly, when I was about to look out the phone rang. I quickly answered to it.

I said terrified.
-Alice? What happened, where's Bakugou?
-Aizawa! Quick! We need help!!
-Where are you?!
-Not far, out if the UA and head straight right! Please be quick Aizawa!!

He hung up. I looked out and I saw Bakugou breathing heavily while barely standing. I ran up to him, then I caught him before he could fall down.

"Bakugou! Are you okay?! Hey!!"

"Stay out of this, lil'sis. He's a trash! He's not for you! Go, find a better boy! This is a fight between me and the trash there."

The black haired, green eyed older brother of mine said.

"Well. He's not trash. And I am the thing that he has to protect. Of course I care about him! He's trying to protect me! What are you doing here..?!"

"This is how you greet to your brother? Hah. Remember. I'll bring you back home one day!"

When he wanted to use his killer quirk Aizawa showed up and stopped him. My brother, Nick, jumped away and then he disappeared. I was still holding Bakugou. Aizawa came up to us and asked

"What happened here??"

"Well, we were walking, when my brother spoke up to us. I was scared from him, but when I grabbed Bakugou's shirt's back and I hid behind it, he suddenly pulled me into a blind ally he gave me his phone and he told me to call a hero. And that's when I called you."

"Let's take him to Recovery Girl."

"No, I'm fine. I don't need anything. These are just some little cuts."

Bakugou suddenly spoke up.

"Okay. Take care and be careful."

With that Aizawa walked away. I helped Bakugou to stand up and walk.

"Look, Bakugou, it's really not a big deal, if you don't go to school next wee-"

"Don't tell me what to do! I'm fucking fine!"

He shouted. As we reached his house, I opened the door. There was nobody at home. We went into Bakugou's room, and I helped him laid down on the bed carefully. 

"Bakugou. Where is the medicine kit?"

"In the kitchen."

I brought some medicine and I tied his 'little cuts'.

"Bakugou. You need to rest now. Where are your parents? I'd like to introduce myself to them."

"The old hag is probably on a shopping trip with one of her friends. And my father is at work."

"Okay. Listen, if you need anything, go ahead and tell me."

He stayed in silence. I sat down on the chair and I was staring outside to a tree, with 2 birds. Minutes of silence later I heard somebody closing the door and the person was coming here.

"I think your parents are here Bakugou."

The door of Bakugou's room opened and a feminine voice said

"Hey, Katsuki, you know about your new roommate?? Oh, she's already here. Well then dear, are you hungry?"

"Oh, no thank you. My name is Alice. It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Bakugou."

I said while standing up and bowed to her direction.

"Oh, well. My name is Mitsuki Bakugou. As you know I'm Katsuki's mother. It's nice to meet you too. If you kids need something, just say okay?"

"Okay, thank you."

She smiled then she walked out.

"You have such a great mother."

"Yeah, whatever."

Bakugou answered.

"Are you okay now?"

I asked.

"Yes! For fuck's sake!"

"You sure? You look like a bomb, that is about to explode."

"You fucking slut!! Don't you even dare to insult me!!"

"I'd never."

I giggled.

"So.. Can I go and take a shower?"

"Do whatever!"

"Well you said it."

I walked over to his closet. I took out a black shirt and short black pants. And I walked out. I walked up to Mrs. Mitsuki-san and I asked

"Umm.. Where is the bathroom if I can ask?"

"It's next to the kitchen."

"Thank you."

I said.

"You're welcome."

She smiled and I walked into the bathroom, I took a shower, I put on my underwear and Bakugou's stuff, then I walked out. Mitsuki-san was sitting on the sofa. She was asleep. I searched for a blanket and when I found one, I covered her and then, I walked back into Bakugou's room. Bakugou was sleeping as well, so I covered him with a blanket as well. I sat down on the chair and somehow I fell asleep. When I woke up I was on the bed and Bakugou was next to me. We weren't close, and our backs was facing each other. I was sleeping right next to the wall. I sad up and I walked to the bathroom to use the toilet. When I walked back I looked at the clock. It was Saturday 3:46 in the morning. I laid back down and then Bakugou asked quietly 

"You okay?"

"Yes. I just went to the bathroom."


The next when I woke up it was 5:23 AM. When I was about to sat up two arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back and close to Bakugou. When I looked at him was still sleeping.


It's Doone~~ I'm so sorry but I wasn't up here lately! I had family issues, and I lost my phone! I'm back here again! Hopefully I can write my books for you again! That all I wanted! Bye! Have a good day/night!

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