Chapter 16 : Dead..

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Alice Shelterbreak's POV.

Alice and I were in the bottom section searching for shorts when someone suddenly hugged Alice's waist all of the sudden. She looked behind her in shock. I looked at the guy shocked as well.

"Who are you?!"

She yelled at him.


He looked at her surprised. I took a step back and got into my fighting position.

"Shira! Let her go this instant!"

I yelled at him as he stared at me in shock then took a few steps back looking at us. He smiled at me slightly.

"Alice. Put your hands down Sweety. I'm not gonna hurt either of you."

He looked different than before. I put my hands down and walked in front of Alice protecting her.

"Go away."

I said.

"Oh well."

He said walking towards me as I took steps back until my back hit the wall and he pinned me there. Then when he leaned his forehead on my shoulder, I smelled him. He was drunk and smelt like beer.

"Hey Shira. Get away from me."

"Only if you come with me."

"No. Release me Shira."

He leaned his head back and looked deeply into my eyes then he kissed me suddenly for a few seconds. I froze down. I was shocked. When he pulled his lips apart from mine he looked at me.

"Don't lie to yourself. Stop hurting me. You know you liked that.."

He put on a grin as he licked his lips. I quickly noticed he wasn't himself. Alice was shocked behind him. I knelt into his stomach and ran out into the restaurant and walked over Lily and Isaac.

"Hey guys. I have something that belongs to you so could you clean him up and bring him home?"

As I said that Shira appeared behind me with red cheeks from begin dark as he gently hugged me by my waist and kissed my ear. He was wasted. Lily and Isaac jumped up in surprise from seeing him. Lily looked at me smiling sightly and nervously.

"Sorry for the trouble Alice and thank you for reporting him to us."

They got him off of me and took him away and I walked back to Alice. She was still shocked as she looked at me.

"What just happened?"

She asked.

"Ah, nothing really. Are we done with the clothes yet?"

She snapped back.

"O-Oh, yes!"

I smiled at her.

"That's great. I got to go now."

I waved and walked off. I got so embarrassed, I walked back home and found Katsuki in front of me as I opened the door. I looked at him surprised then smiled and he smiled back.

"I'm home."

"Welcome back."

He hugged me by my waist as I put my arm around his shoulder and smiled at him.

"I'll make dinner."

I said and walked into the kitchen as I started cooking. Katsuki came behind me and was hugging me from behind the whole time. When I finished and put the food on the dining table and smiled at him he licked my ear. I blushed. He smirked and bit it. I put my hands behind him and held his neck. I laughed quietly.
"I'll be back I'm going to the bathroom."

He let me go as I walked out then into the bathroom.

As I finished with my business I was washing my hands when somebody stabbed my lower back from behind. I was surprised and had my vision blurry but I didn't scream. Before I passed out I saw blood all over the sink and a little on the mirror.

Not this again...

I taught then became unconscious.

???'s POV.

I stabbed her then caught her. There was blood all over the sink and the floor. I tied her and picked her up then when I heard a knock on the door I quickly escaped with her. I disappeared into the darkness outside. When I arrived to my destination I put Alice's body beside me as I knelt down in front of my Lord.

"My Lord. I brought her here."

I shut my head down giving my lord respect.

"Great. How is she? Is she dead yet?"

"I don't know about her right now, all I know that she probably is dead or dying. Her state is unknown at the moment."

I said looking up at him again. He put on a smirk.

"I see.. Leave her in the room with the wolves. She'll probably die from blood loss before the wolves could even attack."

"As you wish."

I stood up and carried her away into the wolves room and I threw her in.

Alice's POV.

When I woke up I opened my eyes only to see something. I knew I was dying and about to die. I saw a bunch of wolves around me and laying beside me. then I say a wolf that looked scarlet red and had more scars. I couldn't see clear cause I had a very blurry vision. I slowly crawled up to it and smiled at it painfully. The wolf licked my cheek as I petted it slowly.

So they keep you here.. In a dark room.. All by yourselves.. Don't worry.. You'll be free..

I passed out once again.

3rd Person's POV.

Alice was laying on the floor unconscious. The wolves were all around her. They tried to wake her up. She stayed like that. She didn't move and began to breathe slower and slower by every hour. After about 4 hours someone broke the door. He walked in and searched for Alice. He found her laying on the floor. The blonde, crimson eyed man checked her heartbeat quickly. To his relief her heart was still beating. Slowly, but beating. He took her out and handed her over to a blonde haired girl who looked at her tall muscular friend worriedly with her lavender eyes. She looked at him worriedly. The guy with blonde hair, Katsuki, and the guy with dark purple hair, Shira were furious.

They looked at each other angrily, nodded then started walking around looking for the man who did those things to Alice, while Lily tried to heal Alice.

Lily's POV.

I put Alice down on the ground and tried to heal her with my earth quirk. My eyes grew wide open when my healing quirk wasn't working and her state was becoming worse and worse. I stopped all of the sudden and looked at her shocked.

"She's gonna die.. She's going to die and I can't do against it.."

I whispered, looking at her in terror and scared of losing her. I fell down on my knees with my eyes still wide then tried to check her breathing, tried to wake her up. I heard screams and raging shouts and yells coming from the guy and Shira. The minute they became quiet I felt Alice stopped breathing. She died. Right in my arms. I started to cry and cried in Isaac's arms. He hugged me and tried to comforted me. The guy and Shira came back after like an hour or two. They saw me. They looked at us. Then Alice. Then back at me as I turned away.

"She.. Died about an hour ago.. Alice is.. dead.."


Hey! How are you guys? I hope you enjoyed this part! I am currently waiting for an Update so I'm kind of nervous. I hope the New part will be out soon😩.
Anyway, bye, have a great day!😁

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