Chapter 11 : At School Again

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Alice Shelterbreak's POV.

He walked over me and asked

"Are you okay Alice?"

"Yeah.. I just feel.. Kinda sad.."

"Why? Over that guy? I'll go beat hi-"

"No, nothing like that.. I guess I just miss my family.."

Katsuki didn't say anything.  He leaned down and he kissed me for a moment. After that he opened his crimson eyes. They were glowing blood red. He said

"I have to go out for now."


I asked while standing up all of sudden. He looked looked into my eyes. I could clearly tell he was mad. I hugged him suddenly. He didn't hug me back he just stood there with anger in his eyes.

"What's wrong Katsuki. Tell me."

I said while pulling him away and looking into his eyes deeply.  He suddenly sat down while holding his head strong.

"I don't know.. I don't know what's wrong with me.."

I just stared at him. I suddenly felt some spirits coming closer and closer. I started to feel just as mad as Katsuki was minutes ago. I looked around the room. I calmed myself down and I said while smiling

"Katsuki, let's go to sleep."


He smiled back at me. We walked into his room and we laid down on his bed. I fell asleep easily in his arms.

Katsuki's POV

After Alice fell asleep I hugged her tightly. I was afraid of something. Minutes after Alice fell asleep I managed to sleep as well.


When I woke up I found Alice nowhere. I got up and started to look for her. I saw paper in the living room on the table. I walked over and read it. It said

'Hey Katsuki! Good morning! I
 left your breakfast in the kitchen. I went for a run.
I'll be back before 8. I hope you had a great sleep. Bye Katsuki!'

I smiled at the letter and I whispered 


I walked into the kitchen and I ate the breakfast that Alice made. I dressed up and I went for a walk with my headphones. After about half an hour of walking I saw the little girl who thinks Alice is dead. That girl was covered in blood. She collapsed all of sudden. I caught her and picked her up. I brought her to my house. When I stepped in I saw Alice down on the floor. I put the girl down on the sofa and I rushed over to Alice. I picked her up and tried to wake her up, and minutes later she woke up. I looked at her eyes deeply and asked

"Are you okay Alice? What happened?"

She looked at me and laughed a bit then she touched her forehead

"When I came back from the run and stepped into the house, I tripped and fell on the floor."

I looked at her and I wasn't even surprised. She looked around searching for the clock, but when she accidentally saw the girl next to her covered in blood she screamed then turned to her saying

"Michelle! Michelle!! Wake up! What happened??"

She slowly opened her eyes.

Alice Shelterbreak's POV.

As she slowly opened her eyes I asked

"What happened to you Michelle?? Who did this?"


She looked at me then at Katsuki and back at me. She smiled

"Alice-nee.. Why did you lie to me..?"

Katsuki and I were surprised.

"Hey kid. Are you feeling alright?"

Katsuki asked.

"Yes.. I'm feeling okay. You must be the boyfriend of my sister.. Nice to meet you.. "

She smiled. Katsuki looked at her seriously.

"Kid, you should rest now. You can sleep with your sister tonight. She'd be happy to talk to her sister."

He said and smiled at her slightly as I picked her up and brought her up to his bedroom then she fell asleep as I walked back to Katsuki and smiled at him

"I really like how you act so sweet."

Katsuki's POV.

"I really like how you act so sweet."

She said smiling as I placed my hands on her hips and put on a smirk

"You know.. You made me sweet."

I laughed and kissed her.

"Now go and sleep."

I said letting her go and sitting on the couch.  She nodded and walked up to my room. I fell asleep on the couch.

~The Next Day~

Alice Shelterbreak's POV.

I woke up around 6 am in the next morning and as I got out of the bed I walked downstairs seeing Katsuki still sleeping. I walked over him and started shaking him slightly and gently. After a few seconds he woke up and looked at me.

"Good morning Katsuki."

I smiled.

"Good morning."

He smiled back as I walked into the kitchen and made breakfast not noticing Michelle coming into the living room looking sleepy and cute.

After I finished making the breakfast I waked out in the living room noticing her as I smiled.

"Breakfast is ready."

They both took their way into the kitchen and started to eat, while i walked into Katsuki's room and put on my uniform.

After that I walked out putting my shoes on and smiling at Katsuki who was already ready to go. I waved at Michelle and went to school with Katsuki.

As we arrived to the schools building and went into the classroom there was nobody except us. Minutes passed as Ochako stepped into the classroom noticing me and smiled at me.

"Hi there Alice!"

She walked over at my desk after she put her bag down and we started talking. After minutes people started arriving and sitting down on their seats then Aizawa stepped into the classroom and everyone quickly sat down looking at him. He looked at me and Katsuki and said tiredly

"Good to see you kids. I hope you had fun because we're doing a physical test. Alice. Don't do anything stupid or dangerous."

"On it."

I said bored.

After We changed into our PE clothes we headed down into the gym and we started off with running.


Well! That's all for today! Hope you enjoyed and I'll see you guys next time! Bye :)

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