Chapter 7 : "That dress.."

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Alice's POV.

Bakugou was still sleeping. I walked into the kitchen, and I made breakfast for him. I didn't feel like eating, so I placed down his breakfast on the table, and I went out to wake him up.

"Bakugou..! Bakougou..! Wake up..!"

When he slowly opened his eyes, I said

"Bakugou, I made breakfast for you. It's in the kitchen. I'm going for a run if you need me."

He stood up, and he walked into the kitchen without any word. I put on some shoes, and I went out. I started to run.

Katsuki's POV.

"Bakugou..! Bakugou..! Wake up..!"

I woke up and I looked at her face.

"Bakugou, I made breakfast for you. It's in the kitchen. I'm going for a run if you need me."

She said. I stood up and I walked into the kitchen, not saying anything. I looked around in the kitchen, then I sat down on the chair that was in front of the breakfast that she made. I heard the door closing. I looked around to see, if she ate anything. I didn't saw any dishes in the sink neither on the table.

I walked out to search for her. After about half an hour it started raining. I ran even faster to find her. After a couple of minutes I saw her laying on the ground in a park. I took of my hoodie and I covered her with it.

"Such a troublesome woman.."

I whispered. I took her home, and I placed her down on my bed. She was soaking wet.

After a couple of hours she woke up, and she tried to sit up. She fell back.

"Don't even think about getting up for a while."

I said.

"I have to. We have school tomorrow."

"Not as important as you.."

I whispered.

"What did you say?"


I said a little loudly.


She stayed in deep silence.

"Do you think it'd be better for me if I go back to my family....?"

She asked.


I was shocked, so I was just staring at her for a couple of seconds, but then I said

"No. I don't think so."

With that I walked out of my room.

"She's ready to leave me at anytime..?"

~The Next Day~

Alice's POV.

"Hey. Wake up, you're gonna be late Bakugou."

He sat up and he asked

"What the hell..?! Why didn't you wake me up?!"

"I thought you gonna wake up by yourself!"

"Urghh!! Doesn't matter anymore you slu-"

He was cut off by the clothes that I threw at him.

"Hurry up, or I'm gonna leave you here!"

With that I walked out of his room, down in the kitchen. I packed his breakfast and I put it on the table. Seconds later he ran down on the stairs.

My Hero [BNHA] [Katsuki Bakugou x OC]Where stories live. Discover now