Chapter 9 : "I am Alice Shelterbreak"

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Alice Shelterbreak's POV.

"So you guys telling me that I'm not telling the truth?"

"Yea. And we don't know why."

"Okay, you asked for it."

I stood up from the bed I dressed up to my regular clothes and I said

"Before we go. You have to promise that you won't attack them in the future. Your family cannot touch them."

"Okay. We promise."

"Come with me then."

We walked out of the hospital. It took an hour to get to the Shelterbreak family's mansion. My hands were shaking when I wanted to open the door. I took a grip of the handle and I opened it. I walked into the mansion. I saw Bakugou and the others in the living room so I walked in. The others who were in front of Bakugou noticed me and they were pretty shocked. The girl on the sofa and Bakugou turned around to see me. They were shocked. 

"Hey there, Mila, Rachel, Nick. How have you been?"

Everyone in the room were staring at me. I looked like someone who was about to faint. Bakugou rushed over me and he caught me before falling down.

"You got me surprised. Are you the Alice that I know?"

He asked.

"Oh, I am. I am Alice Shelterbreak. Who are you?"

I said as I stood up on my feet and looked at the girl on the sofa. The girl stood up. We stared into each other's eyes. Her black eyes were saying fear but she said

"I'm Alice Mystera. Do you have any business with me?"

"Actually. I'd like to talk with you. We cannot stay like looking like twins.."

I took the dagger out of the skull from next to me. My next action was shocking to everyone. I cut my scarlet hair down. The scarlet hair flew all around the room because the wind from the open window. I threw the dagger right into the wall and I said

"Much better."

I walked over to the sofa and I sat down.

"Hey Alice. Sit down."

She sat down next to me.

"Would you mind if I'd say 'your hero life sucks' ?"

"Not really. To be honest your life isn't quite a dreamland either."

"I don't know about that option cause I grew up in a forest."

After my sentence ended, there was silence in the room. Everyone were staring at me. Minutes of silence later we heard footsteps. A little female figure walked into the room from behind Rachel and Nick. When she saw us, she started to cry. I walked over her picked her up and I hugged her tightly. She didn't stop crying so I said smiling

"Don't worry Michelle. Nee-san is here now.."

I heard a male entering the room from behind Alice's siblings. He held up a gun when he first saw me and he shoot my left shoulder. It started bleeding. I turned around to see Daniel standing in shock. Bakugou got mad. He punched Daniel as hard to make him flew across two rooms. Then Bakugou rushed over me and asked

"Are you okay Alice?"

"Yea, sure. Can we go home now? I feel very tired right now."

Bakugou nodded. I put Michelle down as I said

"Be a good girl and I'll come back one day."

I turned to Alice and I said

"Alice. A guy is waiting for you in front of the Hatsushiki hospital. Hurry up."

I winked at her then Bakugou picked me up in a bridal style and he jumped out of the window.

He took me home. As I walked in I sat down on the sofa in the living room. I closed my eyes. My shoulder hurt so bad. I tried to not to think about it, but then I felt something cold on my shoulder. I suddenly opened my eyes. I saw Bakugou holding a sac with ice in it on my shoulder. He stared into my eyes. He sat down next to me and he asked

"You do want to go back, don't you?.."

"Yeah... I really want to.. But I'm better with you with me.."

I faked a smile. Bakugou was staring deep into my eyes. His face was getting closer and closer. I was slowly closing my eyes. He kissed my lips. A few seconds later we pulled our heads away.

"Go to my room and take some rest. You deserve it.."

I slightly nodded. I took the sac and I walked into his room. As I closed the door I felt my face burning. I laid down on his bed slowly and I fell asleep right away.

The next morning, when I woke up, I found myself on the bed under Bakugou's blanket. When I decided to sit up I couldn't. I fell right back. I was shocked of that. I started feeling dizzy, but then Bakugou came in.

"Are you okay?"

He asked.

"I feel dizzy.."

He walked over me and checked my fever. He pulled away his hand and said

"You just need to rest, I guess.."

He leaned down and he kissed my forehead and then he walked out.

As I closed my eyes to go back to sleep a horrible memory came to my mind..


I was walking outside of our mansion when I saw my Mother. I hid from her. She asked in a scary tone

-Hey, aren't you the little Charile~? You're the one after my husband aren't you~?
-Wh-what? I ha-have no idea of what y-you're talking a-about....!

The woman said in a scared voice.

-Oh, really? What are you doing in my yard under our bedroom? Please Charlie? Tell me..!
-We-well I'm lost, and I'm so sor--

I saw my Mother pull out a dagger and she stabbed the woman several times. After a few minutes she stood up while looking at the dead body. She said

-That's what you get you slut..!

I was so shocked. I dropped my plush star my Mother noticed me. She was shocked and surprised and she shouted

-Alice, Alice!! This is not what you think!!

I started to run. I ran into the house, and then into my room. I jumped out of the window. I ran into the forest.

~End Of Flashback~


I hope you enjoyed😊😊 have a good day or read the next chapter when it's out😉 Byeee

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