Chapter 6 : Flashback

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Rachel's POV.

I was searching for my long time no see sister, Alice. Michelle said she saw her around this city. When she went away, I felt all alone..


-Mommy, mommy!!
-What is it Rachel, dear?
-Where is Alice? She wasn't in her room!
-What? She wasn't there?

My mother looked shocked. We went into Alice's room and my Mother shouted

-James!! James, come here!!

My Father rushed into the room and asked

-What's wrong Victoria..?!?
-Alice is missing..!

My Father looked surprised and shocked. He hugged my mother and then we walked into Mila-nee's room and my father said

-Mila. We need your help.

My sister stood up and asked

-What would the reason be, of needing my help?
-Alice is missing..

My Mother said sadly. Mila-nee's eyes turned wide. She put on some clothes, and she ran out of the  mansion. Minutes later my Mother and my Father left as well. Hours later they came back, and my Mother said

-She's nowhere..

I started crying. The next day I didn't speak anything at all. I fell into depression for months. After about a year at my 8th birthday party I got a letter. It said:

Hi Rachel!
I hope you feeling good. I'm fine before you could ask. By the way, happy birthday. I wish you lots of good thing in your life. Please don't tell anyone that I'm alive. Keep it secret okay big sis? Bye now Rachel.

Alice Shelterbreak 

I started crying. I didn't tell it to anyone. After I read it, then I burned it , so no one could know about her. That was my best and worst birthday in my whole life. 

~End Of Flashback~

I looked at my watch. It was 17:58. I called Mila-nee.

-Hello? Rachel? Did you find her??
-No. And you?
-No. We've been out for about an hour, but nothing?
-Mother is coming home within an hour. We have to go back.
-Okay, I'll call the others. You can go home.
-Okay, bye Mila-nee.

I hung up and I rushed back to the mansion.

When I got in I went into every room expect Mother and Father's room, and I opened the windows. When I got into the kitchen my Mother opened the door and said

"I'm home!"

She walked into the kitchen and asked

"Hi Rachel! Where are the others?"

"Michelle is in her room, Nick, Daniel, and Mila went out to buy something for dinner."

"Oh! You guys are so sweet! God can't ask for better kids thank you guys are! Thank you!"

She smiled and she placed down her stuff and she went into the bathroom next to the kitchen. When she closed the door I quickly called Mila-nee

-What is it Rachel?
-Where are you?
-We're coming. We just passed a vegetable seller a few seconds ago. Why?
-Send Michelle home right now, and tell her to be quick! You guys, buy some vegetables and come home quick! Mother is in the bathroom now. Please be quick!

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