Chapter 18 : Blood Red Roses

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Alice Shelterbreaks's POV.


A masculine voice said behind me.

I looked behind me to see a blonde male standing behind me with his crimson eyes locked on me. He took his hand away and took a few steps back.


I stood up and looked straight at him.

"Alice.. How?.. How did you come back?.. And why?"

"Katsuki. I don't know. I have no idea. I have to go now."

With that I left him standing there. I walked away. I walked into the same forest they found me. Where I lived my life. I climbed up to the exact place. I fell asleep slowly. I had a dream..


"Hey Alice!"

My 6 years old big brother yelled after me from the back door. I was in the garden with Rachel, taking care of her new red roses. I looked at Nick confused.

"What is it Nii-san?"

I asked confused.

"Mother told me to call you guys. Lunch is ready!"

My eyes lit up. I loved to eat. Everything. I wasn't fat or anything I just loved to eat myself full. After lunch I ran out into the garden again. I laid on the green grass drifting away and taking a nap. When I woke up the sun was still up as I sat up. I loved the garden. Rachel came out to me and sat next to me.

"Alice. You look so peaceful.. I wish I could be as relaxed as you. I want to enjoy my childhood. I want to sleep eat and play."

She laughed to herself.

"You make me feel calm Alice."

I smiled at my 6 years old big sister.

"You'll always have me to get you relaxed."

She smiled.


When I woke up I was still on the tree. I wanted to stay there. Relaxed and calm.

Rachel's POV.

I was walking around in the forest looking for Alice when I saw her laying on a tree. She was so calm and relaxed. I wanted to wake her but she went through a lot, she needed some rest. I sat down next to the tree looking up at her. She suddenly started moving. She smiled relaxed. She looked beautiful. A butterfly landed on her white finger as she raised it. She started to fade away. The butterfly was still there on her finger. She smiled.

"I'm glad that I met so many nice people.. I love all of them.. But I have to go.."

She vanished at that moment. The colorful butterfly fell to the ground dead as it has already turned black. I stood there speechless. I started crying out loud. After a few hours I seemed to stop and got back to the others to tell them.

 ~One Week Later~

Rachel's POV.

We all were sitting at her funeral. We were sobbing. The picture of her that was used on the funeral was a picture from when she was laughing on the picture in the UA's uniform.

She looked beautiful. Her long scarlet hair was on her side on the picture.

After the funeral I placed on her grave the blood red roses that she loved so much when she was little.

'Rest and sleep peacefully.. Alice Nirvania Shelterbreak... We've always loved you..'



Done~ It's the end of it. I hope you enjoyed this book as much as I did while writing it. Hope you had a good time. Bye, see you with my next book!

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