Chapter 8 : Shelterbreak & Mystera

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Alice's POV.

Somebody grabbed my wrist and covered my mouth. I fainted.


I opened my eyes and I saw white and clean hospital room. I wasn't sure what's going on so I looked around. I saw a reddish-blonde kid sitting next to the bed and sleeping. I sat up and the boy woke up. He looked at me with the biggest smile of him.

"Mark-nii! Roy-nii! She's awake!"

2 tall men rushed over to the little boy. They guys hugged me. When they let me go I asked

"I'm sorry, do we know each other..?"

They froze down.

"Alice? Did you hit your head? Don't you remember us?"

"I really am sorry, but I don't.."

They were shocked.

"I see.. I am Mark Mystera. Your oldest brother."

Said the man who looked exactly like Mila-nee. The guy next to Mark spoke up

"I'm Roy. Your 2nd oldest brother.  And this is Michael.. Do you really not remember us..?"

"No.. Wait, brother you 3 are my brothers?? There's no way.."

"..Why not..?"

They looked at me with a confused look on each face. Then a beautiful, long dark blue haired woman with beautiful clear white eyes.

"Nicole?? What are you doing here? I taught you were on a date.."

Mark said.

"Yea, I was, but the guy was all about s*x. Oh my god!! When did she wake up???"

"Minutes ago.. But she doesn't remember us.."

The girl called Nicole was staring at me. I looked deeply into her eyes.

"You look exactly like my big brother Nick.."

"What? Who is Nick?"

Everyone asked. I looked at them confused.

"My name is Alice Shelterbreak. I am the 3rd daughter and the 4th child in the Shelterbreak family. My Mother is Victoria-Emma Shelterbreak, and my Father is James Shelterbreak. My family is a famous assassin family. Am I right?.."

"What? The robber must have hit your head hard.  You're Alice Mystera. You're the 3rd daughter and the 4h child in the Mystera family. We're in a famous and popular Hero family. Our mother is Jessica-Leiya Mystera and our father is Vince Mystera. What's up with you? The Shelterbreak family's Alice died 8 years ago. At least that's what they say.."

The girl named Nicole said.

"Who the f*ck are you people?? You got me confused now."

"What the hell is wrong with you Alice?? We brought you here! You've got beaten up by a Villian!"

That Mark guy said.

"Which hospital am I in??....."

"Hatsushiki Hospital.."

The little blonde boy said next to me.

"I need to find Bakugou..."

Katsuki's POV.

"Hey Bakugou, I made dinner for you. Come here and eat."

That's what Alice said before she left. An hour passed and she still didn't come home, so I decided to look for her. I put my shoes on and I walked out. I searched for her about for 2 hours outside and I still couldn't find her. I started to run. Minutes of running later I found Alice's body. She was laying on the ground. When I was about to pick her up a woman with long light brown hair in a dark red nightgown asked

"Hey kid. Do you know her?"

"None of your business."

I answered rudely.

"I see. Come with me and bring her along."

"No. Why would I come along with you. I don't want to put her in danger. She means more to me than it looks like."

"Don't worry. I'd never hurt my little sister.. It's been 8 years since I last saw her.. I'll heal her. Please come with me."

I was shocked. But I slightly nodded. I picked up Alice on my back and I followed the woman.

About half an hour of walking we arrived to a mansion's entrance door. The woman opened the door and I brought Alice inside. The woman led me to a living room. I put Alice down on a sofa. I stood in front of her while looking at the woman who sat down on a red armchair and said

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Mila Shelterbreak. The 1st daughter and child of the family.  Who might you be?"

"I'm Katsuki Bakugou from the UA high school. The guardian of Alice."

I answered. I heard footsteps from the other room so I turned to Alice right away. As I checked her I heard people step into the room. I turned around to see them. It was a tall guy with silver hair and golden eyes and a smaller girl with silver hair and yellow eyes. Their eyes got wide when they saw Alice behind me. The girl asked

"Mila-nee.. What does this mean?.."

"Mila, what's going on. Who is this guy next to Alice?..!"

Said the guy.

"Hey Mila."

I said.


"Who are these?"

"Oh, excuse them for the rudeness. The girl over there is the 2nd daughter and the 3rd child in this family. Her name is Rachel Shelterbreak."

"I'm sorry for the rudeness. It's nice to meet you."

Said the girl while bowing.

"I'm Nick Shelterbreak. I'm the 1st son and the 2nd child in this family. Who are you mister?"

Said the guy.

"I'm Katsuki Bakugou."

"Do you know Alice?"

Rachel asked.

"Yeah. We met in a forest."

"Where am I?.."

We all looked at Alice. She sat up and looked around.


I asked.

"What is it?? First, who are you people?? What am I doing here?"

"What are you talking about? I'm Bakugou. Don't you recognize me?"

"No? I don't know who you are.."

"Tell me stuff about yourself.."

Mila said.

"Why should I? How do I know if you guys are Villians or not.."

"We're not Heros. Nor Villians. We're kinda in the middle."

That Nick guy said.

"I'm going to UA high. I'm a student from there."

I said and I showed my ID.

"Okay then... I'm Alice Mystera. The 3rd daughter and 4th child of Jessica-Leiya Myster and Vince Mystera. I came from the famous Hero family. From the Mystera family.."

"What? Alice did you hit your head? You had nothing related to the Mystera family. Are you okay?"

Mila asked.

"No I'm not.. I have to find Kiyoshi.. Now.."

We were shocked.

"Wait. You're perfectly fine aren't you? What is your last memory that you remember?"


Hey guys... I'm very very very very very sorry for the really late update, but I had really busy weeks, so I couldn't update anything.. But now I hope you enjoyed this chapter!  See you next time :) ! Cya!

My Hero [BNHA] [Katsuki Bakugou x OC]Where stories live. Discover now