Chapter 13 : The Guardians /2/

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Katsuki's POV.

After school when I was about to go home some guy came up to me saying

"Hey Bakugou, the teachers are calling for you."


I grabbed my bag and walked to the teachers' office. I opened the door.

"Ah Bakugou. Come here." 

Aizawa said. I walked over and sat on a chair as he started talking about my behaviors and future as a hero. then he started asking about Alice.

"Bakugou. Don't forget to report us if something happens to her."

I nodded then walked out. It was quite late so I taught Alice already left and went home. When I opened the entrance door I saw Alice's shoes nowhere. Nor her bag or clothes. I couldn't find anything. I dropped my bag in my room and ran out looking for her.

After hours the rain started pouring and I still couldn't find her anywhere. On my way for searching I found her bag tossed on the ground. I picked it up and looked through it but couldn't find anything.

I quickly rushed to the schools building right into the teachers' office. I burst the door open and found a few teachers looking at me shocked at that I was soaking wet and was breathing heavily.

"A..Lice is.. gone...!!"

I said quite loudly but couldn't stop breathing heavily. Everyone in the office was shocked  and looked at me with wide eyes as I raised her bag.

"She.. Disappeared..!!.." 

Alice Shelterbreak's POV.

"So? May you introduce yourself?"

He asked. I looked at the three people staring at me waiting for an answer. I looked at him confidently.

"I am Alice Shelterbreak. A 15 years old, UA high school student from the Shelterbreak assasin family."

I said glaring slightly at him.

"What about you? May I ask your names?"


He closed his eyes then looked at me with his eyes half opened.

"My name is Shira Shankaku. The Light Guardian."

The girl stood up  again and looked at me.

"My name is Lily Gensou. The Earth Guardian."

The tall, muscular guy  with black hair and red eyes stood up.

"Isaac Senshakou. The Fire Guardian."

The guy in the yellow coat walked up to me.

"Alice. Join us."

The girl and the other guy looked at me serious along with him.

"I refuse."

I closed my eyes and stepped back from him.

"I have a life with a guy at UA. I can not toss my life from there away."

The girl walked up next to him.

"Shira. This girl.. She can't be with us. She's right, she can't just throw her life away to come here and be a Guardian."

The guy turned to the girl.

"She meant to be here next to me. You know that very well Lily. The Dark Guardian meant to be with me just as the Young Master said." 

"I'm sorry, I can't go with you, since I already have someone. And I refuse to be a Guardian."

They all looked at me seriously.

"Sadly it's not something you accept or refuse. It's something you meant to be." 

"I survived my whole life until this day by myself. In the forest. All alone. Even if I was meant to be a Guardian. I refuse my fate. If you want me to be a guardian, give me a reason to be one."

They were a bit shocked and stayed in silence.

"No reasons you can think of? That's what I taught. Let me go back now."


The guy in the yellow coat looked at me and started walking over me pushing my back to the wall.


He looked deeply in my eyes trying to manipulate me.

"Back where we first met. Back to the rooftop. Where you attacked me and brought me here."

I looked into his eyes. He glared back at me.

"What if no?"

He asked with a serious face. He put his hands on the wall not letting me go then he leaned over and leaned his head next to my neck on my shoulder and then he bit my neck for a second. I was surprised that my eyes widened. I tried to push him away but I couldn't so I grabbed my dagger and held it to his neck.

"Let me go. I want to go back."


He smirked.


He placed his forehead on my shoulder.

"Guardian. Let me go back."

The girl and the guy in the red coat looked at each other then the girl walked over the light guardian.

"Hey Shira. Stop this. I'll take her back."

The guy in the yellow coat said to her pissed

"Not you too Lily.. I'm pissed now."

"So what. Just let me go and keep your anger to yourself. This girl did nothing wrong to you since I'm here. Just let me go back."

Everyone was shocked including the guy in the yellow coat too. He let out a sigh then stepped back.

"Just so you know. The Dark and the Light meant to be together. You would never be happy if I'm not with you. You'll feel that something is missing. No matter what, you can't change your feelings towards me. You'll realize that soon enough."

I listened to his words but I knew I wouldn't give in.

After the girl in the brown coat, Lily took me back on the rooftop she turned to me and said

"Alice. I hope you'll understand why do we keep on protecting a weak guy with low chances of living. Shira has been waiting for you ever since he became the Light Guardian. I hope you'll see  how he feels."

With that she disappeared in the wind that blew by.

I made my way off of the rooftop when someone bumped into me then yelled

"Watch where you going idiot!!"

I looked at him.

"Hm?.. Katsuki?"

I asked making sure it's him. When he noticed it was me he hugged me as tight as he could.


He yelled at me.

"I was.. with some people.."


"With some people."

He calmed down  after a few minutes  and took me home. When we arrived he said to me

"I'll go tell the teachers that I've found you. I'll be back."

He walked out then I found a note from Michelle. It said thank you  on it only.

After a few hours Katsuki arrived back. I smiled at him but as I saw him Shira came to my mind. I tried to forget him and forget what happened but I couldn't. He was the only think I could think of when Katsuki arrived back.


Okkkay!! That's all for this part😅. I'm thinking of posting 2 parts per week but it's all up to you, readers if you want to😅

I'll be sure that there be 2 parts per week if you think so too. Have a good day now! Byee

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