Chapter 15 : Going Shopping

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Lily's POV.

Ever since that girl, Alice left Shira has been acting confident and serious.

"Hey Zack, do you think he's confident about Alice coming here again?"

I asked turning to Isaac.

"I don't know. He act different since she left. The Young Master will notice him. He didn't act like this when I first met him. He changed a lot in those 3 years. This guy.. I think he's serious about that girl. He can't force her to train and become a Guardian. He was upset when he heard that she has someone. However he told her the truth. She won't ever feel completed if she won't have Shira with her."

I looked at Shira. He was reading. I let out a sigh and walked over to him.

"Hey Shira. What if she wouldn't come back here? She's already taken and has a happy life."

"Shut it Lily."

He glared at me then he put on a smirk.

"You think I'd give up on her so easily? I'll make her mine no matter what happens."

I looked at him surprised. He stood up and walked away smirking.

"I'll go watch over her a little."

He disappeared.

"Now I'm worried about that girl."

Shira's POV.

I walked out and disappeared to see that girl again. I found her in a huge building, eating lunch and laughing. She looked happy. My eyes widened in anger when I saw a blonde guy walking over her and kissed her. The people around them were surprised. I crashed the window without thinking. Everyone was staring at me in shock while I was looking at the blonde guy dead angry. I was furious. A white aura appeared around me as I kept on glaring deadly at the blonde guy. Alice noticed me and her eyes got wide open. She stood up immediately.  She walked out of the room and looked furious.


I shouted following her and slammed the door behind me. I grabbed her arm making her look at me.

"Alice, what the hell?! You kissing another guy!?"

"Why you so angry?! I'm not your girlfriend! I have my own boyfriend."

She slapped me and made me look at her with wide eyes. I picked her up in a bridal style and jumped out of the window. She hold up her dagger up to my neck. I landed on the ground and disappeared with her in my arms.

Alice Shelterbreak's POV.

We disappeared. I shut my eyes down and when I opened my eyes a few seconds later, I found myself in an unfamiliar bedroom. I felt dizzy then when I closed my eyes I smelled a man's cologne closed to me. I looked up. I saw Shira.

What the hell... What happened..?

He noticed me looking pale and sick. He put me on the bed gently. The bed was huge. I turned on my side and decided to take a nap since I felt sick. All of the sudden I felt a kiss on my forehead and someone laying beside me. I didn't bother to look at Shira. I was weak and sick for some unknown reason. I managed to fall asleep in a few seconds.

Isaac's POV.

I knocked on Lily's room's door. As she opened it I looked at her a little surprised.

"Hey Lily. Where are your clothes?"

I asked looking into her room finding it without her stuff in it. She looked at me confused.

"Eh? What?"

She tilted her. She looked behind her.

"Oh, they're all here. All my stuff is here I just put everything in that corner since I decided to reorder my room."

"Oh okay. Anyways, wanna eat something?"

I smiled at her.

"And the others?"

"I was about to ask them after you. Oh and by the way, do you have training today?"

I asked looking at her.

"Yes I do, why?"

"I was wondering if you'd help me with my swords a little. I'm not really sure how to use these. I like my older ones better."

I said rubbing the back of my head and laughing.

She smirked.

"Sure but. Isaac. I'm going to beat you."

She said looking at me evil as her lavender colored eyes turning glowing brown. I put on a grin and picked her up in a bridal style and started walking as she looked up at me

"Could you put me down?"

"You want me to shortie?"

I asked her as I lifted her up and made her sat on my shoulder as I continued walking.


"Too bad, no way of that."

I walked out of the  building and headed to a restaurant.

Alice Shelterbreak's POV.

"Yes, I'm here."

I stood up and saw Alice in the door. I smiled slightly and walked up to her.

"Hey. What can I do for you?"

"I want you to come with me to a clothes shop. Right now."

I confusedly looked at her.

"Well.. Um..-"

She suddenly grabbed my hand and walked out of the building with me and didn't stop walking until, we arrived to an expensive clothing shop. We walked in and she started to look for outfits.

"Uhm, Alice? Why are we here?"

I asked her. She turned to me.

"Cause I need you to help me pick out a training outfit."

"What? Why??"

I asked looking at her super confused.

"Cause I'm going on a train trip into the forest but I don't seem to have clothes for that. It's gonna be cold and rainy then warm and sunny at the same time. I know you know what you trained in the forest back then."

She looked at me seriously then I started laughing like crazy and had tears in my eyes from the laughter.

"Yo want me to help you pick out an outfit just because you're going to train in a forest??"

She started laughing as well realizing her dumb request to me but said


I quit crying and wiped my tears away and smiled at her widely.

"It gonna cost you alot here."

"I don't care, they have high quality clothes here."

We both smiled and started looking around. My eyes got wide open as I looked out of the huge glass window and saw Lily and Isaac sitting at a table in a restaurant. I clammed myself down and started to don"t really care about them and continued to enjoy my shopping with Alice.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this part! Tho, I got to go now, so bye! Have a good day!

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