Chapter 4 : "I miss them, Bakugou.."

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Alice' POV

"Bakugou..! Wake up..!"

I woke him up quietly and he said

"What do you want?"

"Could you please let me go..?"

I whispered.

He noticed his arms around my waist, so he pulled it away. I sat up and I said


I walked to the bathroom, I washed my face, I tied up my long, scarlet hair into a bun, I walked back to Bakugou's room and I took out a sweater, I put on my shoes and I went out for a run. It was still dark and cold when I went out so I had to put on a hoodie. I started to run. Minutes of running later I bumped into someone. The person smelled so bad from the alcohol.

"I'm sorry."

I said. When I was about to pass him by he grabbed my arm and he said

"Hey Kitten? You wanna come to my house..??"

"No thanks."

He got angry. When I was about to kick him a manly voice shouted

"Hey, you fucked up alcoholic! Don't you even dare to touch her!!"

The man was Bakugou. His bloody crimson eyes were glowing and he was glaring at the man.  Bakugou made a little explosion out of his hand. To that man let me go and he ran away. Bakugou followed the man with his eyes while he passed by him. When he left Bakugou walked up to me and shouted

"What were you thinking?!?!!"

I stayed in silence and I stared into his crimson eyes deeply. They were glaring at me. Suddenly my legs started feeling cold and they collapsed. Bakugou caught me before falling down to the ground and he asked

"Hey?! You okay?!"

He tried to get me back on my legs again, but seconds of standing later I collapsed again. He held my waist tight and he lifted me up. He stroked my tights gently. I blushed and he said

"Your tights are cold like ice. You shouldn't go out in shorts. Got that?"

I nodded. He brought me back to his house then into his room. He put me down on the bed carefully.

"Thank you."

He walked over to his closet and he threw a pair of pants at me.

"I'm fine now, you don't have to give me these."

"Just put them on."

"Look away."

He looked away, so I pulled down the shorts and I put on the pants.


He turned back to me. I looked at the clock. It was 6:58 AM. I walked out of Bakugou's room and I met Mitsuki-san in the living room. She was watching TV.

"Umm, good morning Mitsuki-san."

"Oh! Good morning dear! Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you. Umm, Mitsuki-san, I was wondering if can I make today's breakfast..?"

"Oh my! I'll do it! I can't ask a guest to make breakfast. But thank you for offering."

She smiled.

"I see. I'll be in Ba- Katsuki's room, if I can help with anything."

"Okay. Thank you."

We smiled and I walked back to Bakugou's room. As I went in I saw Bakugou sitting on the bed and looking at his phone. I sat down on the chair and I looked out of the window. As I looked out I saw a girly child figure covered in blood and smiling and sitting on the tree. My eyes got wide and I jumped up from the chair, but I didn't scream. I backed up until the person saw me. Bakugou didn't even noticed me jumping up from the chair and backing up. I ran out of the house and I ran over to the tree. When I arrived there were nobody, but the tree was bloody.


I jumped up to a rooftop and not so far away I saw the little figure again. The child had long reddish golden hair. She wore a pink dress. She was covered in blood. I was terrified.


I asked quietly. She turned around and said

"Oh my! Who could you be?"

"What's your name.?"

"Michelle.. And yours?"

"I'm Alice."

"Oh, Alice? I used to have a big sister with that name.. My parents told me she died a long time ago before I was born. They told me she had great skills, and she was beautiful and smart.. I really wanted to meet her, but my parents don't tell me where did she died or where is her gravestone.."

"Michelle.. "

"Do you know her? Alice..?"

My heart was aching while looking at her sad and worried figure and face.

"Yes.. I know a lot of things of her.."

"Really?!?! Can you tell me things about her?!!?"

"O-of course.."

Her eyes were sparkling and she ran to hug me. She reached me and hugged me tight. We heard an angry shout


Michelle started to glare at him with a death look.

"Hey, Alice-san..? Who is he? Can I kill him??"

"Don't kill him Michelle. He's precious for me.."

I smiled at her, so she smiled back and said

"Okay then."

"We will be down there in a minute!"

He didn't say a word, he just glared at Michelle and me.

I jumped down with Michelle in my arms. I hugged her tightly, so I could not drop her. I landed in Bakugou's arms. He put me down on my feet and asked

"Who is this brat?"

"She's Michelle. Alice's sister."

"Does he know about Alice-nee either? Was he one of her friends? Umm, sorry for asking, but can you tell me about my dead sister Alice too..?"

Bakugou's eyes got wide and he looked at me, I looked at him with sad eyes, then he looked back at Michelle.

"No. She's dead. There's no point in telling you who she was. Now, Alice take that brat home."

"Listen Bakugou. She's Alice's sister. There is 6 years between u- them. Don't be mean. Listen Michelle.."


"I'm sure your siblings will talk about her if you ask them. The only thing I can tell you about her is that.. You were born when she left.. She loved you. Your family is the one who should tell you about her.. I'm sorry.."

"I understand.. Well thank you for telling me that.. I have to go home now. Bye Alice!"

She smiled as I waved her goodbye. When she wasn't near us Bakugou asked

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"Cause it's better if she doesn't know.. She'd tell it to my Mother and Father.."

"Let's go back."

As Bakugou turned around I hugged him from behind and I said quietly

"I miss them, Bakugou.."

He just stayed in silence for a couple of seconds.

"Let's go back."

He held my hand and we walked into the house, then into his room.


That's it! Hope you guys enjoyed! The next one will take time but I swear I'll publish it! Bye!! Have a nice day! ;)

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