Chapter 5 : Spicy Chicken and Rice

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Michelle's POV.

"I understand.. Well thank you for telling me that.. I have to go home now. Bye Alice!"

With that I walked away. After 2 hours of walk I arrived to the mansion where I live with my family. I walked in and I said

"I'm home!"

"Oh! Welcome home Michelle. Did you have a good day?"

"Yes! Absolutely! I killed two robbers and a serial killer. It was fun."

I smiled at Rachel-nee.

"Where's Mila-nee and Nick-nii?"

"Mila-nee is in her room, Nick is still outside why?"

"Oh, I just wanna ask them something.."

"What is it?"

"I want to know things about.. Alice-nee.."

"Alice huh?" 

Rachel-nee sighed and said

"Let's go to my room, okay?"

I looked up to her and I smiled. We walked to her room, we sat down on the bed and I asked

"Say Rachel-nee.. Alice-nee is really dead..?"

"I don't know.. Maybe.. Maybe not.."

"What do you mean?"

"She ra-"


I heard my brother's, Nick-nii's voice from the entrance door. We all rushed out to see what's wrong. My brother was covered in fresh blood.

"What's wrong Nick-nii?"

Daniel-nii asked.

"I found Alice!!"

He said in a happy voice.

Our eyes got wide. Mila-nee was angry to that. She rushed over to Nick-nii, she lifted him up by his neck and she shouted

"How dare you make a joke about Alice!!!!"

"Mila-nee! Don't!!"

Rachel-nee and I shouted.

She put him down suddenly. She shouted again

"Don't you dare to make a joke about finding her again..!!"

Daniel-nii asked

"Nick-nii. We miss her either, but don't make a joke about finding her again, please."

"Actually.. I met an Alice named girl today.."

They all looked at me.

"How did she looked like..?"

Nick-nii asked.

"She had beautiful long scarlet hair and chocolate brown eyes. She wasn't tall. She was with a boy with blonde hair and red eyes.."

"That's someway how Alice looked like 9 years ago.. Maybe.. She's alive..?"

Mila-nee said quietly. My eyes got wide open to their sentence.

"We have to find her!"

Daniel-nii said.

"I'll wait for Mother and Father here. If they arrive I'll call you."

Rachel-nee said.

"No. We need you quirk for the searching."

Mila-nee said.

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