Chapter 10 : "Hey fuckboy. She's mine."

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Alice Shelterbreak's POV.

After that flashback I fell asleep easily. When I woke next with a really bad pain in my shoulder. I screamed. Bakugou rushed into the room. I quickly stood up, ran over to  the window and I broke it with my fist. I picked up a piece of the broken window and I stabbed my shoulder.


I fainted. I woke up in a hospital bed again. As I sat up to see  why am I here Bakugou asked in a really mad voice

"What the fuck were you thinking Alice!! Why did you stab your shoulder?!!?!?"

"Shhh... Bakugou, we're in a hospital.."

"I don't fucking care! Answer me!!!"

"Well... Did the doctors find the bulled in my shoulder?"

"They didn't, but what's about tha-"

"I pushed it out with that piece of broken window. I saw my father doing this one time. He even showed me how to do it."

"Pathetic.. I'm worrying my ass off just because you getting hurt.. I'm pathetic.."


I didn't say anything. He raised up his head and he kissed my lips and he said

"Just.. Don't do this to me again.. Don't make me worry about your ass again.."

I kissed him. After a few seconds I pulled my head away and I said

"I'll try."

I smiled at him. He smiled back and he hugged me. When he released me the doctor came in and said

"Miss, are you alright?"

"Yes Sir."

"You can go now then. Please take care of yourself next time."

~In Front Of The Hospital~

As I took a step out of the hospital I heard a boy shout

"Alice! Alice! Wait for me!!"

I turned around to see who's shouting my name. When I turned around a boy with black hair hugged me tightly. I was confused. When the boy let me go he said in a cheerful voice

"Alice! I'm so glad that you're okay, I wanted to come to see you earlier, but I was busy. Wow, when did you cut your hai-"


Bakugou yelled.

"Hey dude, chill, chil-"

"Just answer it, cause I don't know who the fuck are you either."

"Wait, what?? Alice?? I'm Soushi. Your ex! How could you forge-"

"Woah, woah, slow down! First of all I've never ever seen you in my whole life!"

"Do you have amnesia Sweetie?? Should I make you remember me??"

He was about to lean close to my face, when Bakugou kicked him on the balls from behind real bad. I crossed my arms as the guy slowly collapsed down on his knees.


"What the hell man?!??!? She's my ex! How could I not try with such a sexy and cute girl like her!!"

"Hey dude. What's my name."

"It's Alice Mystera of course! Don't call me dude!"

"Man. I'm Alice Shelterbreak. The other Alice left the hospital yesterday. You shouldn't mess with her like you did with me.. I'd kill you."

I glared at him with my brown eyes like I was about to kill him. I started to walk the other way

"Hey fuckboy. She's mine."

Bakugou said as he walked next to me and started to walk with me.

Alice Mystera's POV.

"Hey fuckboy. She's mine."

With that Bakugou-san walked away with Alice. Kiyoshi and I heard everything. Kiyoshi's body started to raise it's temperature up. He burst into black flames and he walked over to Soushi.

"Hey, You piece of shit on the floor! You want Alice?!!?!"


"Well then!!"

Kiyoshi carried Soushi. I didn't know where did they went but minutes later I saw Kiyoshi walking towards me with a smile on his face.

"Now, where were we?"

"What did you d-"

"Oh, yea, where do you wanna shop for clothes?"

"I don't know, but Kiyo-"

"Let's go then!"


I sighed and smiled slightly.

Alice's Shelterbreak's POV.

"Hey fuckboy. She's mine."

"Hey Bakugou.. When did I become yours?"

"Since you kissed me in the hospital room.."

"Ohh. Okay. Then hold my hand."

I said as I raised my hand out of my pocket. He held my hand really gently. I blushed a little. Minutes of walking later Bakugou stopped in front of a hair salon.

"Do you wanna get your haircut, by a professional?"

I was confused, but I slowly nodded. We went in. A woman said I could sat down on a chair to get my haircut.

~After The Haircut~

We walked out and I hugged him. 


"Ahh, sorry Bakug-"

"Just use my fucking name.."

"Then.. Katsuki, you wanna eat something? I'll make dinner."

"Okay.. I'm fine with that."

As we walked back to Katsuki's house  he held my hand gently. When we arrived I took my shoes off and I made my way straight into the kitchen. After an hour I walked out of the kitchen to see Katsuki. He was watching TV.

"Hey Katsuki.. Dinner is ready."

"I'm going."

He stood up and walked past me. He sat down in the kitchen as I walked into the bathroom. When minutes later I went out to see him I saw him sitting on the chair with straight back, crossed arms and closed eyes. I walked into the kitchen and asked

"What's wrong Katsuki..??"

He blushed as I said his name.

"I want you to eat.. Wi-with me.."

I was surprised but I smiled and said


I sat down next to him and we both started to eat.

~After Dinner~

"I'll go have a shower real quick."

I said to Katsuki. I put the dishes in the sink and I searched for underwear in the bag that I bought from shopping with the girls. I got out a hoodie and an underwear and I made my way to the bathroom. After a little time I came out in a hoodie. I walked over to the sofa and I laid down on the sofa. I  saw Katsuki coming out of the kitchen while looking at me. He walked over me..


Heeey! Hope you enoyed this part and will keep reading next time! See ya with the next part ;)!

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