Chapter 12 : The Guardians /1/

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Alice Mystera's POV

I was sitting at my desk in the class of 1D. I looked out of the window and saw class 1A on the school's gym field. Our teacher walked in and started the lesson so I listened to him.

After a couple of minutes I looked out on the window again to see class 1A having their test and my eyes got caught on someone. An avarege female. That girl tied her medium length, scarlet red hair in a ponytail then opened her chocolate brown eyes and stood confidently waiting for her turn.


I shouted all of sudden then realized the teacher talking to me.

"Mystera. Please visit the teachers room."

I nodded awkwardly and walked out of the classroom but instead of the teachers room I headed down to the gym Field. I stood in front of the door keeping my eye on Alice. It took her a few minutes to notice me then she walked over in shock.

"Alice? What are you doing here"

"I'm asking the same. What are you doing here?"

"I'm in class 1A. I'm a student here. You?"

"I'm in class 1D. I'm also a student here.."

I stood there in shock like she did as well. After a few seconds I snapped back to reality.

"I-I got to go now. meet me after school. Bye.."

I said walking away in shock.

~After School~

Alice Shelterbreak's POV.

I was standing next to the gate waiting for Katsuki to come out but after a couple of minutes I still saw him nowhere so I decided to go home alone.

I was walking on the streets when suddenly I heard someone following me so I turned around and grabbed my dagger and held it up getting ready to fight. the guy who was following me wore a black coat with a dark blue hat. As he saw me he smiled and disappeared. I looked around and grabbed my other dagger in my other hand. I saw him on a rooftop watching me. I dropped my schoolbag on the ground and jumped after him attacking him. I wasn't quick enough and he disappeared again.

I looked around once aging and noticed him above me about to attack me.

He's too fast..

I jumped away from his attack but he still cut my shoulder slightly. I looked at him holding both of my weapons up, ready to fight. I suddenly ran over him attacking. He pulled out his sword and stopped me from stabbing him. I jumped back. I gave him a dead glare as he looked at me the very same.

"Hey! Who are you?!"

I yelled attacking him again. I cut his arm deep and got behind him holding my dagger up to his neck.

"Tell me!"

"Oh? You have your skills pretty high.. I wonder.. Would you mind getting your weapon away from my neck? I'll explain everything."

He said calmly. Took my daggers away from him and stepped back. He turned to me and took off his hat.

"It's nice to meet you Alice. My name is Hisugi. I was sent by young master Koushio. He wanted me to test your ability of fighting."

He put his sword away, knelt down on one knee in front of me and put his hands on his chest.

"Lady Alice. Would you mind joining us as a guardian of the Young Master?"

He looked up at me.I stood there looking at him emotionless.

"If that kid wants me as his guardian then, he should ask me personally."

"Young Master is weak. He has health problems since he got into a fight with a villain."


I looked at  the guy.

"My answer is a no. A guardian is a serious person with high abilities and high both physical and mental  power. I am a 15 year old girl. I have no right to accept begin a guardian."

A man a bit taller than me with long, dark, purple hair and dark blue eyes, in a black suit with a light yellow coat on him appeared behind the man who knelt down. The man glared at me as I did the same on him. He raised his hand with his palm up to the sky. He summoned a giant light ball as he kept on glaring at me.

"You can't refuse."

-Was all he said before sending the light ball at me. I collapsed on my knees but still holding up my dagger as the light ball disappeared. I fell off of the building and kept on falling but suddenly someone caught me. When  I opened my eyes, I saw the same man in the yellow coat holding me in his arms.

"Put.. me down."

I said quietly as he jumped up on the roof again and said

"Hisugi-san. Let's go."

I closed my eyes and became unconscious.

When I next woke up I found myself in that man's arms again. He was sitting on a couch talking with a few people as I was sitting on his lap close to him as he held me tight. I felt weak so I became unconscious again. The next moment when I woke up I was in the same position and heard the man talking again.

"She is the perfect person to be a Guardian. Lily. Isaac. You know that."

I moved and looked around felling sick. He noticed me and looked at me.


He didn't let me go. Just looked at me with his dark blue eyes.

"Would you mind introducing yourself?"

I placed my hand in front of my mouth and asked quietly.

"Can I please go to the bathroom first..?.."

The guy looked at me slightly surprised but let me go and helped me get up.

"Lily, please."

He said. I looked at the girl he called for. It was a beautiful woman with blonde hair reaching her knees tide up in a ponytail.She looked at me with her lavender colored eyes and stood up.

"Let's go now."

She walked me out of the room into the bathroom.As we arrived there I couldn't hold myself back and I vomited. She was waiting for me outside the bathroom and after a few minutes I walked out to her.

"We.. We can go now.."

We walked back to the room I woke up and as the girl opened the door the guy who brought me here stood up looking at me.

"You okay?"

What's with him acting so different now..

I taught to myself then answered

"Yeah. Been worse.."

The girl and I walked in. She sat down next to a tall, muscular man. The man looked at her with crossed arms then looked at me with the guy in a yellow coat as well.

"So? May you introduce yourself?"

He asked.

Well done! Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I'm starting school tomorrow so I May not post every Sunday😅 I'm sorry about it.
Anyways, see ya next time! Have a good day😊

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