Chapter 45

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Content Warning: Language, Violence, Intense Scenarios


"Well, it won't get you any farther." Davy viciously stalked back over to Evelina. Irritation was abundantly overflowing with each step; condemning Evelina to potentially a world of hurt.

Jimmy took action as quickly as possibly. He threw his foot out in front of Davy just fast enough to trip the man. It was all he needed to pile on top of Joey's brother and attempt to hold him down.

Davy shoved Jimmy off, pinning him to the ground instead. The element of being on top gave Davy the advantage. He threw body-jarring punches into the protector's ribcage.

Jimmy gasped for air. He pulled his arm free, throwing a well-placed punch into Davy's face. It was enough to throw off Davy's balance. Relentlessly, he kept throwing the punches into him. Only a few seconds elapsed by before Davy's man put the business end of his gun to Jimmy's head. Jimmy stiffened, stopping what he was doing.

"Get up!" The man growled at him. "Now!"

Jimmy's nostrils flared out as he got off of Davy reluctantly. He cursed under his breath, clearly not pleased with the situation.

Davy jumped to his feet quickly in spite of the beating he just endured. He glared at Jimmy before throwing a few more well placed punches into Jimmy until he fell to his feet, clutching his body in pain. No matter the beat down, the defiance was still there; it couldn't be wiped away from Jimmy's glaring gaze.

Evelina watched with tears filling her eyes. It was like a replay of the earlier events unfolding again. The only differences were the people and the place. She wasn't sure if she could handle any more pain from seeing the ones she loved hurt. It was just too much.

"Stop!" She didn't even recognize her own voice — strained and desperate, yet very much ignored. If Jacob hadn't peeled his eyes away from Davy and Jimmy just long enough to glance over at her, she wouldn't have even been sure she had been heard.

As soon as Jimmy was subdued, Davy walked the few steps back over to Ev. He carelessly grabbed her by the hair and jerked her down the hallway, ignoring her whimper and struggle to keep up.

"What are you doing?" Evelina tried to keep up pace, arching to keep as much pain at bay from her aching scalp as possible. She held back another whimper that wanted to echo out from deep within her. She had asked her question, but the stark reality of where he was heading burned in the back of her mind. She wanted to hear it though. She wanted to hear Davy admit what he was going to do.

"I'm finishing what I started." He growled, searching through the house, jerking her whichever way he felt. There was no mercy in his tugs; just cold, cruel movements. "I know you're in here, Joey. Come out, come out wherever you are."

"No!" Ev snapped at him, digging her heels into the carpet. She jerked away, but couldn't pull his hands free of her hair. "You leave him alone!"

"Come on, you whore!" Davy yelled at her, tugging her harder toward the bedroom. He hadn't in the least bit been fazed by her defiance.

"No!" Evelina screamed at him, scratching at his hand to free her from his steely grip. She kicked his ankle hard, anything to keep him away from Joey.

Davy let go of her, reaching down immediately to clutch his throbbing ankle. He cursed under his breath, leaving him more vengeful then ever. He grabbed her mercilessly and threw her into the wall.

Ev gasped as she hit the floor, her shoulder stung. It wouldn't keep her down though. Nothing would keep her from protecting her husband. She had a much better chance of doing that now then she had back at the warehouse. She scampered to her feet, running ahead of the walking nightmare to the bedroom. She stood in the doorway, refusing to budge, deeply wishing they had taken the time to put an actual door up in the one room that was missing one.

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