Chapter Two: Lord of the Flies

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???'S P.O.V

"Everything is in place. Those UA kids are gonna work perfectly," I chuckle, leaning back against the bones that create my backrest. My nails scrape a couple skulls, and I can't avoid grinning at the texture of another creature's cranium. There was a brain in that head once. Now, it's just a nice decorative piece on one of my armrests.

"Sir, are you positive this is going to work? I know you have your plans, but what if those children-"

"-Don't question my methods, Leviathan. Trust me, I know what I'm doing," I assure him, shooting a look at him across the majesty of a table splayed out between the three of us. I notice Lucifer shifting in his seat for a moment, though he remains silent as ever. Just observing.

"I'm questioning who put you in charge."

"Satan himself has trusted me with this task. If you have an issue, I implore you to instead question his judgement, and see how well that goes down," I snarl, turning my head to one side, a dribble of flies swirling out of my mouth when I hiss.

"Will you both refrain from bickering? We are wasting time with all of this trivial nonsense. I suggest we move the plot forward- Those UA students need to suspect Rin Okumura just enough to plant the seeds of paranoia in Rin's head." With Lucifer's booming words, the entire room trembles, stones clattering onto the table. See, this is why I'd rather he keeps his mouth shut. But-

"-You've got a point. Alright, I'll head back up topside. If you need me- Well you know what to do," I chuckle, rising out of my chair and slamming the gavel down. "That concludes today's discussion." And then I'm gone in a torrent of flies, splintering through the barrier between worlds. Satan's son will rise to power. He will be the demon prince of Gehenna. All he needs is to accept his heart, and things will go swimmingly.



"Ugh, so many damn flies," I groan, swatting a few of the gross insects out of my face as I cook, desperately trying to stop them from landing on any of the food. All the students from UA are setting up their rooms in the empty dorms, and I just know they're gonna be starving when it's all over. Honestly, I still don't know what to think of them, but it feels like my brain isn't gonna stop any time soon. Just like when nobody knew about me being Satan's kid, I'm constantly looking over my damn shoulder.

And then I notice my waggling tail, swaying from side to side in time with each new chop. Shit! How did it get loose?! Instantly dropping the knife, I grab the wriggly thing and stuff it back up my shirt. And just in time too; just as I'm trying to stop the bits of black fur from poking through the button holes, the kid with green hair appears through the serving hatch, curious eyes trained on me.

"Um... Is everything alright?" He asks, tipping his head to one side. I swear, I nearly stammer on the spot and blurt out some stupid gabble of excuses, but I manage to catch myself before the fall to idiocy. That's what Yukio calls it at least.

"Fine! I just thought I'd make all of you food while you unpack is all. But there are so many damn flies around, I gotta keep swatting them away, y'know?" I splutter, rubbing the back of my head, all whilst flashing a huge, innocent grin. Nailed it.

"Oh! Oh, I'm sorry for intruding then. Is there anything I can do to help?" He clearly wants to, but I'm honestly not sure if I even trust myself around any of them at the moment; if my tail keeps popping out, we're gonna have a problem real quick. And I don't think I'm ready for that right now. If they ever find out, which they won't, but- Well hypothetically, if they did, even though I'll make sure they NEVER do, I'd rather it be when I at least know what they're all capable of. If they turn out to be less deadly than Yukio's been making them out to be, then maybe I'll be able to just outrun them.

And then a blur flashes through the whole length of the kitchen, and a kid with navy hair just appears by the freckled guy's side. Like he just freaking teleported. To say my plan to outrun them just got blown to bits is kinda putting it lightly. These guys take superhuman to a whole new level.

"Midoriya! I've finished unpacking, so I'm going to do a run of the perimeter!"

"Alright, Iida. Let us know if you find anything." Then he's gone. Just like that, 'Iida' vanishes, the gush of air he expels upon leaving blowing my hair right back. Enough to flick my clip off of my head, my fringe springing back forward. "Sorry. He's- Well his quirk is Engine, so he can run incredibly fast using the jets in his legs."

"I was gonna ask about those," I chuckle, crouching down and scooping my clip back up. Only to be thrown off my feet by the sound of a huge explosion from upstairs, panic instantly shooting through me. "WHAT WAS THAT?!"

"A-Ah, sorry! I think that's Kacchan," he stammers. Then he's also gone, disappearing in a blur of green sparks and flashes. I'm in way over my head here. Maybe I should get a belt to keep my damn tail hidden.



"THESE DAMN FLIES ARE EVERYWHERE!" I hear Kacchan before I even see him, but can already tell what he's doing. It hits me as soon as the heat from his explosions does, and I wonder if it's best to just back away and give him his space. Sure, Kirishima's quirk will keep him protected in there, but not me. No, I have to a least say something- Okumura is our host here, and he just got knocked on his face out of the pure scare of one of Kacchan's blasts.

"Kacchan? What's wrong?" I timidly murmur, poking my head around the corner. Kirishima just flashes me a grin that could draw a man's blood at close range with the sharpness of his teeth alone, his skin hardened and barely grazed. All whilst he pats a seething Kacchan's back.

"The flies are really buggin' him."

"Flies? Now that you mention it, Okumura was saying something about flies downstairs too."

"I don't give a shit! They keep coming back!" The bubbling blonde growls, aiming his palm towards the doorway. I only just manage to dive out of the way of another explosion, though the tips of my hair on the back of my head do smoke for a couple seconds afterwards.

"Easy, buddy. You got 'em all," Kirishima chuckles. I'm just gonna leave him. At this point, trying to tell him that we're currently giving Okumura all the heart attacks he'll ever have in his life is only gonna piss him off more. Best to let him get it out of his system.

So I just head up to the roof. In times like these, I should let everyone do their own thing. Besides, it can't hurt to practise honing my quirk, right? Letting the power of One for All run through me, I get to what little training I can do in such an empty space. I vault off the posts, being sure to leave next to no mark on any of the surfaces. Of course, my leg braces make all of this a million times easier, but I can't just rely on my costume to keep my power levels at the right percentage. Most of that has to come from me.

And then something hits me. A sensation so overwhelming, I essentially stop mid-air, bringing myself to as smooth a landing as possible. It's as though someone has grabbed onto my throat and squeezed it tight, pulling me in the direction of- What... Is that?

'Well met, Izuku Midoriya.'

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