Chapter Forty-Five: Mokushiroku*

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       translation :  a p o c a l y p s e



I was starting to give up on Icy-Hot being able to deliver. That is, until I see blue flames burst from the other side of the warehouse, not anywhere near close enough to us to be Okumura's. Man, the bastard actually managed it, huh? Guess I'm gonna have to work my ass off to catch up with him one day (not that that's really what I should be caring about right now) aren't I?

But, instead of dwelling on it, I work on getting Okumura to look in the direction of the bright, sapphire light. With any luck the stupid demon on the back of his neck won't think twice before gawking at it. And, thank fuck, it's about as predictable as any instinct-driven creature could be; no more than a few seconds after drawing Okumura's sight towards Icy-Hot, his entire form sags. His mouth hangs open, and it's all he can do to stop his eyes from closing.

"Kaminari, NOW!" I roar, glancing over at Loverboy mere moments before he leaps towards his boyfriend. It's clear he's trying to be careful, but that doesn't stop him from trapping Okumura's temples between his fingers and pulsing harsh volts through his skull. Nowhere near enough to fry his brain, but just enough to try and interrupt any connection that gross lizard has managed to establish.

As soon as he goes stiff, I take the opportunity to propel myself forward. Palms smoking and fingertips sparking, I reach for the demon, grip it tight, and rip it right off of the back of Okumura's neck. Just like that, his knees give way and he sinks towards the ground, only to be swept up by Kaminari's arms. The sword he was holding clatters to the ground, and every inch of him screams unconsciousness. He's free. We did it.

Now all that's left is this disgusting demon squirming in my palm, trying to snap at my fingertips for a taste of my own mind. But I don't give it the satisfaction of peering into my brain; as soon as I'm far away from Okumura, I tear the top off of one of my holy water vials and douse the creature in it, smirking as it hisses and spits as it melts away into nothing. That was it. This tiny, pathetic thing was what caused so much trouble for all of us.

"Is it over?" Kirishima whispers, cautiously approaching me as the remains of the demon dribble between my fingers like slime. Still, I make sure there are no signs of life left in the damn thing before letting Weird Hair edge closer.

"Not yet," Glasses suddenly mutters, finally having broken out of his dazed shell. About time too; whilst we've managed to free Okumura, we're still facing one hell of a problem. Literally. Because, despite everything, the Gehenna Gate still isn't closing. Honestly, I don't know what we all expected- for it to just snap shut as soon as we won? No. Because we haven't won. Not yet.

In actuality, our situation is probably way worse that it was before we took Okumura down; not only is Todoroki completely out of commission the second his united quirk fades away, but the only thing we knew could close the gate is now passed out against Kaminari's chest. How the hell are we meant to get this thing to snap shut?

Thankfully, Four-Eyes doesn't waste any time in taking charge of the situation. He might've fallen behind during the fight against his brother, but there's something gleaming behind his cracked glasses. Something I can't really determine with the chaos that is reflected in them. What's he planning? "Everyone, we need to give the gate all we've got! If we attack it enough, it should close!" He commands, reloading both of his guns and tossing a few holy water grenades back at us.

"Are you sure that's going to work?!" Rooster Hair barks over the chattering applause of the thousands of demons swirling around the warehouse. I can't really blame him for being uncertain, but wasting time talking about it really isn't going to solve anything, is it? So I don't hesitate one bit, and neither does the rest of my class- as soon as we've collected ourselves, we're throwing everything we have at the gate.

Most of the demons block the attacks, obviously, but we force through anything we can. Deku's launching himself at it surrounded by emerald sparks, Bird Brain is forcing his freaky shadow familiar to slam itself into the borders over and over again, and everyone with less-offensive quirks work on chipping through the archway with whatever holy water they have left.

I wish I could say it's enough. I wanna say it's working. But, the more energy we spend, the less effective our assault becomes. Attacks lose their power, and it doesn't even feel like we're making any sort of dent. My holy water supply has run itself completely dry, and I'm struggling to get even a small explosion out of my palms. Shit, it can't end like this! We need to close the gate!

C'mon, Okumura. Wake up!

And then it happens. Something I never would've expected. Yukio rushes forward, dropping both of his guns and letting them practically shatter against the concrete beside empty bullet shells. Before I can even open my mouth to ask what the hell he's doing, he's crouched beside Okumura. No, not beside Okumura. Beside the sword he dropped.

Is he-

Before I can finish that train of thought, a harsh, blue light suddenly bursts into being in front of me. I have little choice but to stagger back to save my eyesight, but, when I can bring myself to focus again, I can barely believe what I'm looking at. Glasses, stood there, gripping Rin's new sword tight. Ears pointed, and fingernails stretched out like claws around the hilt. No way. There's no way he's- What the hell is he?

I guess I'm gonna be waiting for the answer to that question for a long time; in a flash, he's right in front of the portal, arms raised above his head. His entire body is engulfed in the same blue fire his brother wields, and, when he brings the blade down, he lets out an almighty roar I didn't think I'd ever hear from the likes of such a quiet guy.

"I'll never let you hurt any of my family again!" He booms, finally forcing the sword downwards. As soon as it hits the floor, cleaving straight through the Gehenna Gate, every demon in the warehouse begins to release an unearthly shriek. Sapphire flames billow from where the portal once stood, and, when they clear, it's just Yukio. Stood there, shoulders slumped, and sword dangling from his fingertips. He doesn't pass out. He doesn't even speak. He just turns around, glancing at me with his new, demonic features as the embers of his attack flutter through the air.

"Is it over?" He nods, looks down at the ground, and drops the katana at his feet. All sign of any flames extinguish, and he keeps his head tilted towards the floor. As though that'll hide the tears.

"Yeah. It's over. It's all over."

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