Chapter Twenty-Eight: Alarm Bells

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Normal my ass. Two weeks after getting back, and it feels like hell itself has descended on me in that tiny space of time. Since it's coming up to vacation any day now, that means exams. My own, and the ones that the Class 1A kids have to take for Cram School. So, not only did I have to take exams in regular old True Cross, but I then had to come back and make ones for 1A to complete! No doubt I've failed every single one of my own, mostly 'cause I didn't have any time at all to study. But how can I even think about that when I'm gonna have to sit my ass down and mark all of the Cram School papers?

I swear, if I didn't have the charm Bon gave to me, I'd constantly be a walking ball of blue fire. Thankfully, I've kept my flaring up to a minimum, mostly only bursting into flames when I've done stupid shit- like stub my toe or stand on my own tail. Things like that, but they've only been knee-jerk reactions to quick hits of pain. Other than that, I've been doing pretty good.

Okay, that's a bit of a lie. Those aren't the only times my hellfire has gotten a bit trigger-happy; being truthful, it likes to play up whenever Kaminari and I are together. As in... Close together. I'm guessing it's because 1. I've never been in a relationship before so everything is so new and freaky, and 2. I'm still super anxious about every little thing we do together.

Even kissing gets me all nervous, which is just all sorts of embarrassing. So we keep it to a minimum, and we definitely don't do it in front of the others. Sure, we'll hold hands every now and then, but the last thing I want is the rest of the class catching on. It'll be a whole new problem if they start to think I'm picking favourites. Even if I am. Kaminari is my favourite.

Speaking of my precious power outlet, after scribbling down a few more notes on the last paper I intend to mark today, I practically toss my pen onto the floor, flopping down next to Kaminari and resting my chin on his chest.

"This is hell."

"So you got to my paper then?" He chuckles, nudging me with a small wink and showing me his phone. "Lookit, Pikachu Build-A-Bear."

"Awh~" I coo, watching him thumb softly at the screen, mostly over the teddy's little red cheekies. It's probably no surprise that pretty much everyone calls him Pikachu around here, including the kids who attend True Cross. See, whilst I have to keep my powers to myself, 1A are more than welcome to show off their quirks to every Tom, Dick and Harry that walks by.

And boy do they have a bit too much fun with it. Sometimes, it's like they're trying to rub it right in or something. But, lately, I feel like some of the girls are starting to get a bit too familiar with my Pikachu. Okay, he's only been 'my' Pikachu for a couple weeks, but even still. Hands off the bolty boy.

"Look at his little face though. That's me when I short circuit," he snorts, letting out a huff and dropping his phone onto the bed. "Being broke sucks. My parents aren't sending me allowance till I get back home."

"Yeah, Yukio's pretty much my walking bank. He doesn't trust me with our money," I chuckle, rolling my eyes and shuffling onto my back, staring at the planks above our heads. If anyone tries to tell you bunk beds aren't the best type of bed in this world, then they've clearly never had one. Nothing like waking up in the middle of the night to go pee, and giving yourself a concussion on the way out.

"Speaking of Yukio, I feel like it's been forever since you last spoke to him. Did you tell him what happened in Kyoto?"

"I tried to. He hasn't picked up since we've been back," I mutter, casting a glance over to my phone resting on the desk, currently basking in the setting sunlight. "I mean, I know I shouldn't be worried. There's a big time difference, and he doesn't really get signal there. But-"

"-It's still weird." He's right. Obviously. Despite what you might know about Kaminari, he's usually got pretty good gut instinct. He might not be book smart, but when it comes to having a feeling, he's mostly on the money. And Yukio's random drop off of the grid is just another thing in the long line of freaky things that have happened to me recently. Ever since he left, actually. They started with Beelzebub, and it feels like it's just been a slippery slope downhill from there. That could be because I'm on my own, so it just feels like life has gotten a million times harder, but then there's that voice in the back of my head.

A voice telling me something has gone horribly wrong. "Try calling him. You might be able to-" before Kaminari can even finish, like some sort of ethereal force has overheard us talking, my phone suddenly begins to ring. Quickly making a grab for it, I fumble for a moment before focusing on the caller ID. No way. The chances of that happening are slim to none, and yet there it is. Yukio's face on my screen, his number hovering above it. Immediately, I answer.

"Yukio? What the hell have you been playing at?! I've been tryna ring you for weeks and you've just ghosted me and I thought- Well what the hell was I meant to think?! I thought you were dead you four-eyed-"

"-Rin, this is really urgent. Where are you now?"

"Uh... True Cross? What's going on?"

"Something's coming. Something big. I'm sorry I've been so quiet, but I couldn't risk anything. If he found you through this signal-"

"-If who found me? Yukio, what's happening?"

"I need you to take Class 1A and go up to the mountains. It's a lot to explain, but you have to trust me. It's safer up there."

"Okay, hold up. Safer from what?"

"From the demon I've been trying to find the whole time I've been in Russia. He knows where you are, a-and he's coming for you."

"For me? I- Can't you just use the skeleton key to get back?"

"It was broken during an exorcism. I have to get a flight back, but until I'm home you need to get yourself somewhere secluded. Just for a couple days."

"Isn't this place protected?"

"The wards won't work against this thing. Please, Rin. Please, you have to trust me." It feels like my world is racing faster than I can even hope to keep up with. It's like someone has pushed the fast-forward button, lost the remote, and I'm too far away from the plug to switch the power off.

"Alright. Alright I- Well duh, I believe you. Where do I need to go?"

"The mountains, just outside of True Cross. There aren't many demons out there, so it'll be harder for him to find you."

"Him. You keep saying 'him' but who's 'him'?"

"The one that wants you dead more than anything. Lucifer, Rin. Lucifer's coming."

Well... Shit. I'm guessing that's real bad, huh?



okay, so i know lucifer is a canon character in blue exorcist (at least in the manga) but i really wanted to use him in this story

he is a completely different character than the lucifer in the manga ♡

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