Chapter Twenty-One: Kitsune Tsuki *

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"Dude, c'mon, it's not that far," the dumb redhead insists as he essentially drags me up this huge ass hill leading to god knows where. There are so many steps it's hard to keep up, but that doesn't stop him from pulling me by the hand like he freaking owns me. I don't even know why he's so excited to go to this stupid shrine; we should be back there, training with the others. It's always nice showing off my super cool quirk to guys who'd only ever be as strong as me in their dreams. And even then, probably not.

But, because Kirishima is so good at wrapping me around his little finger, I can't find it in me to say no. He's gone through all my teen angst bullshit up until this point, so I guess I at least owe him this much. Even if shrines don't really interest me at all, apparently they mean a lot to him. Maybe he goes to them a lot to pray for manliness. I dunno. All I do know is he really wants to go to this place in particular, so much so that he was willing to sneak off with me to do it.

Sometimes he's like a man possessed.

"Well will you let go of my hand and stop dragging me?" I eventually snap when I nearly end up tripping up one of the stone slabs beneath my feet. Damn stairs. I could get up this hill in one explosion! Well, I could if I didn't have to worry about destroying the path to something this idiot is so excited to show me. Part of me wonders if he's been here before, but I quickly dismiss it. He's never mentioned coming to Kyoto, and it ain't exactly something you wouldn't wanna brag about. As much as I hate class trips, this place it actually kinda awesome.

"Huh? Oh, sorry," he finally stammers, taking way too long to let go of my hand, but eventually releasing me from his grip. Someone needs to tell him that he's stronger than he thinks he is before he goes and breaks one of my bones or some shit. Not like it would hurt, but a broken hand wouldn't be very convenient. I've gotta be on my guard at all times, especially around Okumura. We're cool now (kinda), but I still don't totally trust the guy. How could you trust the kid of Satan? "Look! I see it! C'mon!"

And, with that, he disappears over the crest of the hill, bounding up the steps like a fox on steroids. Even small puffs of explosions struggle to propel me closer to him, but I eventually manage to catch up. All I can say is: damn, this is pretty. The way cherry-blossom branches twist around one another, pink petals fluttering down onto the marble and stone structures beneath them. Not only that, but there's a balcony, behind a large kitsune statue, overlooking the view below the shrine. A thick, lively cluster of trees, crawling up a sheer drop. Guess it's best to stay away from that edge, huh?

Obviously, weird-hair is in his element. He's running here, there and everywhere to take it all in, eyes wide and reflecting every ounce of gentle light bouncing around the little area. "Isn't it awesome?! Super cool," he breathes, running his fingers along the grooves in the statue. Right down to the kitsune's ninth tail. "I'm so glad I got you up here." Wait. Hang on. That voice... That wasn't Kirishima. But it came out of his mouth. "I thought it would be much harder, but I suppose my reliance on your affection for this boy was well-placed."

Then he turns, and my stomach caves in. His eyes aren't just red anymore; they're glowing. Like they're piercing right through me, staring deep into my brain and reading every thought rattling around in there. That's not Kirishima.

"The hell are you?! What did you do to Kirishima?!"

"So that's this vessel's name? Kirishima. Strong name for a strong boy."

"He's not a vessel, you asshole!" I roar, aiming my palm towards him. I don't wanna do this, but if there's something inside Kirishima, I gotta get it out. But, before I can let off a violent explosion, the gleaming haze lifts from his eyes, and his face twists in fear.

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