Chapter Nine: Into the Deep End

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"So what the hell does 'initiation' mean?" Bakugou growls, both him and Deku stumbling after Yukio and I as we lead them through a dimly-lit passageway. I honestly dunno if nighttime is the best time to learn about how to fight off demons, but if Yukio says so then- well who am I to say no? After all the shit he's put up with from me, I don't get a voice anymore. And, even then, he still sends glares my way. Well... More so at the sword against my back. He's mad. Again.

"You can both see lower-class demons named Coal Tars, which means that demon from earlier inflicted you both with temptaints. It's given you the ability to see any kind of demon, not just the ones that choose to show themselves." I don't miss the sharp, pointed glare the blonde boom boy sends my way the second Yukio spells the word 'demon' out with his lips. I can already imagine the question he's got on his mind.

"So that demon wanted us to see it? Why?"

"I'm not sure. But I'm worried it has some sort of plan, and it may come back."

"Maybe it's the demon UA wanted us to kill," Deku mumbles, tucking his knuckle between his lips. Honestly, I'm just relieved. Relieved that he didn't see me, and I only have to juggle one of them knowing my secret. One is easier to handle. One's easier to knock the fuck out if he even begins to think of saying anything to anyone.

"Tch, doubt it," Bakugou grunts, rolling his eyes and tucking his hands behind his head as he walks, the muscles in his arms coiling up. Damn, what steroids are the teachers at that school shooting these kids up with? I swear, even the girls are more ripped than I'll ever be, and that's just... Depressing. Don't get me wrong, strong girls are awesome. But not for my self esteem. And I'm the son of the goddamn king of demons.

It's kinda a sick joke. The son of Satan is insecure about his strength.

"Really? But, Kacchan, you saw what that thing did."

"I saw a lapdog. It went on about another demon, right? Coulda killed us but it didn't. Coulda taken us back to hell but it didn't. It didn't want us, it wanted him," blondie mutters, nodding his head towards me, "can't have been the higher up, else he woulda been long gone with Okumura already. So it's gotta be a lackey. Guessing it works for Satan, if what Mr. Okumura said was right." Damn. He's... Actually smart? Brains and brawn, huh? Sounds like a great package deal, if you take away all the years of pent up anger issues that've clearly never seen a counsellor's face before.

"He's right. Very perceptive, Bakugou," Yukio murmurs, slipping his hand into his pocket when we finally reach the end of the tunnel, plucking a key from his jeans. The only time you'll see my brother in jeans- when nobody else is around to witness it. I wonder how exhausting it is to be that uptight all the time; if you wanna talk about pent up issues, my twin brother's your man for the case. And he tells me I'm bad at handling my problems.

Still, I don't have much of a choice but to listen to him, doing as he says and taking a step back with the UA kids when he inserts the key into the lock. One turn, and the door springs right open, almost taking Yukio with it in the process. Deku jumps. Bakugou rolls his top lip over his left canine tooth. "Now, I'm leaving for a mission shortly, so I'll get as much into tonight as I can. Then it'll be down to Rin and the other exorcists to teach you how to work your way around the world of demons. You'll have a head-start- I was going to inflict your classmates with temptaints tomorrow. Tonight will essentially be your diving board to their poolside."

As Yukio speaks, he starts to move forward again with myself and the other two in tow, lights jumping to life all around us. And, as their bright bulbs burst with energy, the blinding hues spill over onto every inch of the room. And I recognise it immediately- there are all sorts of equipment scattered around. From dummies, to cages with lower-level demons in, to weapons of every sort of description. Soon as I see the holy water, my throat starts to burn.

"Wow. This is- There's so much to take in!" Deku breathes, spryly skipping over to Yukio's side and immediately launching into a nerdy babble with him. And, obviously, my brother complies, always enjoying the sense of chatting with a fellow geek. Something gives me the impression Deku's gonna know more about demons than I do before the night's over.

I'm so busy watching the pair interact, I don't even realise that Bakugou's wandered off until he returns, the suspicious blonde patting me on the back.

"I bet everything in this room could kill you, huh?" He purrs, leaning towards me until his breath is hot on the point of my ear. I wish I didn't shudder, but I do. And he notices- at least I think he does. Honestly, he doesn't make it clear (save for a slight smirk).

"Kill? Nah, I'm not some weakling. Takes a lot more than this to end me," I scoff, trying to at least act like I'm not shitting myself. I should stop talking; for all I know, he's just trying to squeeze answers out of me. Mostly an answer to the question: so what can I use to stop you from taking another breath when you inevitably fuck up again?

"Right. So this doesn't hurt then?" I can't even arch a brow before I feel the liquid stream down my back, snaking between my shoulders and carving notches into my spine. Then the burning starts, my skin practically sizzling under my shirt. I suppress a scream, gritting my teeth tight. My nails sharpen to claws, almost tearing through my slacks. What the fuck? What the fuck?! Did he- "And here I thought holy water was just bullshit," he chuckles, gulping down a mouthful of the stuff.



I'm in charge now, demon.

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