Chapter Twelve: The Beast Below

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"Kacchan!" I cry as I stumble after the booming blonde, narrowly avoiding explosions that hurtle from his palms with every ferocious step he takes. I know he wants to deal with this situation as quickly as possible, but this is insanity! There's no way we can take on a demon without a plan! Not only that, but how on earth is Todoroki enabling him like this without question? Maybe he's got an idea to stop him in his tracks? I can only hope so, else Kacchan might just end up getting himself killed.

And that's when the huge spire of ice the three of us are using as our platform starts to shudder. That shouldn't be happening. That really shouldn't be happening! "We need to find stable ground!" I cry, not moments before cracks start to splinter beneath our feet. And, of course, Kacchan doesn't stop. He just keeps going, refusing to let a single thing slow him down. "Todoroki, I think something's happening down there! Go help the others, I'll get Kacchan!"

"But Midoriya, the ice-"

"-I'll be fine, just go!" I cry, practically shoving him back towards the way we came. Thankfully, he at least does as he's told, though not before using his quirk to patch a few of the breakages in the ice pillar.

"Be careful." Those are his last words to me before he takes off down towards the overturned boat, leaving me to catch up with the embodiment of an impending explosion. I can't put too much of my quirk into this jump; if I do, I risk completely shattering the spire beneath us. And I have absolutely no idea what's waiting in the waters below. There're a couple buildings that have yet to be completely submerged- they could provide pretty good footing until we come up with a plan.

Okay, time for thinking is over. I need to act, and I need to do it fast. Because, unlike me, Kacchan is being reckless as ever. The explosions he's expelling are destroying chunks of the ice holding us stable, and he doesn't even realise he's doing it. So I focus as much power as I can allow into my legs and push myself into the air, leaping towards the raging blonde.

And then I hear a sickening crack, and my heart drops to my stomach. Crap! I overdid it! Even though I don't want to, as soon as I land inches away from Kacchan, I cast a look over my shoulder. The ice has all but broken in two, and, not long after I realise, it starts to crumble from under our feet. Kacchan. I need to get to Kacchan!

There's not much left, but, with what little bit of ice there is beneath me, I put full force into a second leap. It shatters the small block, but it launches me far enough to wrap my arms around Kacchan's waist and grab him tight, gripping him against my body.

"The hell are you doing?!"

"You're gonna get yourself killed!" I cry, desperately scanning for anything I can use to propel myself towards one of the roofs poking out of the water. Nothing. There's nothing!

And then, like a blessing from below, a second pillar appears beneath us. Crystal-like, and pouring with mist, Todorki's ice catches us just in time. I wish I could turn back to see what's going on over there, but I can't allow myself that time; every second we spend closer to this water, the more likely it is that that demon's going to lunge another attack at us.

"Let me go! Get the hell off me!"

"We need a plan! You can't just run in like that!" Sometimes, I wish Kacchan would change just for a split second. Usually, the only one that makes him see sense in a fight is Kirishima. But, without him here, I guess I'm the best bet there is. And he never listens to me.

"It's a demon, let's just blow it to hell!"

"I don't think that'll work," I stammer, shivers piercing through me. If the cold from the ice wasn't enough, the pouring rain is drowning us in freezing liquid. "The closer we get to that demon, the worse the rain gets. It's like a waterfall up there. How're you gonna use your quirk when you're soaked through?" He doesn't like it, but, only in a matter of seconds, he understands. He knows how intensely I've studied his quirk- he knows I'm right. Usually, he'd hate it. But, right now, he doesn't really have a choice but to agree. Going in with no plan at all is a terrible idea.

"So what's your best move?"

"Todoroki, Uraraka and Kaminari. I'll explain when we're on stable ground." Not needing any more convincing, Kacchan just softly growls and loops his arm around me, the two of us launching ourselves to one of the aforementioned roofs. Even though we waste no time in getting there, when we land, there's already water lapping at our shoes.

"Alright. How're those three gonna help?"

"Uraraka can reduce the gravity of the water. If she can hold it over the demon, Todoroki can freeze the waterfalls around it to keep it in place. Once it's trapped, Kaminari electrifies the water Uraraka's controlling, and she releases her hold on it. If I'm right, the demon will probably be weak to electricity."

"And if it's not?"

"It's the only plan I have. We need to be careful though- one crack in the ice and the electricity could spread through the water flooding the entire town. We can't let that happen."

"It's risky. But I don't think we've got much of a choice." So it's settled then. This better work.

Because I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't.



"Everyone in!" Momo cries above the roaring of the rain, barely pulling herself into another boat she somehow managed to create, given the situation. Thank god we've got someone like her on our side; if we didn't, I've got no clue how we woulda gotten this far. Well, 'this far' isn't really very far, but it's better than nothing.

So I just help her into her own boat, creasing my brows. She's exhausted, I can feel it. The way her tremors rumble through me as I hold onto her hand prove as much. "I can't make another one. I'm sorry," she pants, leaning against the edges of the raft, eyes slipping shut. Okay, so we're a teammate down, and who knows what that demon's summoning?

"Bakugou and Midoriya are working out a plan. Perhaps we should keep back until they come up with something," Todoroki mutters, igniting one of his hands in a soft flame that barely lasts a second in the rain. But it's enough to at least warm Momo through a little.

"Why can't I just zap it?"

"Because the water would conduct your electricity and kill everyone in it, idiot," The earjack one, Jiro, growls, smacking Kaminari upside the head with narrowed eyes. Honestly, if we didn't have to worry about other people in the water, it could work. A sharp zap and that demon would be toast. I had to burn the one that controlled flies and crap, so what's to say this guy's any more complex than that?

"Well there's gotta be a way of getting it on its own!" Before he can carry on, a low rumble suddenly groans from beneath us. And trust me, I wish I didn't see the giant shadow swirling through the water at the exact second we all hear that dreadful roar. Jiro flinches, covering her earjacks, and everyone pretty much follows my lead in poking their glances towards the waters below. Alright, time for screwing around is over. "Uh... Guys? What the hell is that?!"

'You like him~? I doubt you'll taste very appealing, but, you see, you killed his brothers. So that vengeance is going to taste oh so sweet,' the demon booms. I... Don't know what to do. I really don't know what to do.

And that's when the boat rocks, my heart about to leap into my throat. Until I lock eyes with Bakugou, his scarlet irises drowning in a deathly seriousness.

"We have a plan."



Sorry if this chapter is bad... I'm not great with bit epic fight scenes, and this is bigger than most of the ones I've written before haha

...but I'm so excited for my pikachu boyo to get some spotlight next chapter hhhhh

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