Chapter Eight: Initiation

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"He found out. He found out?! How the hell did you even let that happen?!" Yukio essentially roars as he paces the length of our room over and over again. Honestly, if he walks in a circle one more time I think I'm gonna get dizzy enough to fall outta my chair. But, instead, I just flinch and divert my eyes, glancing over at my sword in the naughty corner. After everything that happened with that Bakugou kid, could you really expect me to keep it from my brother? One of them knows, and is ready to kill me if I use my powers again.

Probably not the stress Yukio needs, but definitely the stress he deserves to know about.

"Look, I'm sorry. But-"

"-No, there's no 'but' to this, Rin. You had one job- Don't let any of them find out. And what did you do? Blew your secret after a few hours!" He snaps, finally stopping. I guess that's more frightening; his glasses seem to catch the moonlight in a way that shields his eyes. Like in all the manga, it just proves how pissed he is at me. And I mean he has every right to be.

"You getting mad at me won't change it. Those kids were in danger, I did what I thought was right. The only reason he didn't kill me on the spot is 'cause I saved him! Him and his friend!" That makes him stagger for a second. His scary demeanour breaks, and that reflect lifts from his glasses. "You never give me any damn credit. So he found out. So what? He didn't kill me."

"But he will. If you keep on like this he'll-"

"-I won't!"

"You said that this morning and look what happened!" As soon as I go to open my mouth, I'm quickly interrupted by the shuddering snarl of an explosion overhead, and both me and Yukio glance upwards. Dust trickles from the cracks in the ceiling, and all he can do is sigh. "Stay here. Just- Stay." And then he's gone, closing the door and locking me in. Like a damn dog. Asshole. Why does he think I need clipping on a leash and tying to the wall, huh?! So I fucked up. So what? Maybe he's just pissed off that I beat a demon he couldn't fight alone. I made him look weak.

So I don't even wait. A few seconds after he's gone, I grab my sword an strap it to my back, picking the lock from my side. Like hell I'm just gonna sit around when boom boy's blowing up the room above my head. I wanna know what's going on, and nothing Yukio says can chain me down like an animal. Thankfully, it's not the first time I've forced this door open, and I managed to unlock it in record time. Keeping my tail tight around my torso, I slip out of the room and up the stairs, poking my head around the corner.

And then I see the crowd of confused students, and my brother wrestling a writhing blonde out of his bedroom. All sorts of insults are pouring out of Bakugou's mouth, and small sparks and puffs of smoke splatter the air as he's dragged by his shirt into the corridor.


"Dude, there's nothing there," the red one (Kirishima, I heard someone call him) murmurs, a certain amount of concern flickering over his piercing eyes. He's trying to calm the explodey boy down, all whilst my brother's essentially pulling him along. Like another dog on a leash. Damn, so me and this Bakugou kid at least have that in common.

"I-I don't think he's making this up! I can see them too!" And then, like a blanket, silence covers the hallway. Deku stands there, taller than I've seen him since we met, with a hard determination on his face. "Little black things. They're floating all around us." Shit. Oh shit I forgot! They got a temptaint from that demon they... They can see Coal Tars. Around here, they pop up in clusters all the damn time. No wonder Bakugou's trying to blast them to bits- those things can be annoying at the best of times.

"Midoriya, none of us can see anything," Half and half murmurs from beside the broccoli boy, gently touching his fingertips to Deku's hand. For a moment, he jumps, then blinks at the other guy with a blush deeper than the hole I've managed to dig myself into today.

"I don't know why I can see them."

"I don't give a shit why! They need to leave me alone!" Bakugou snaps, aiming his palm towards the doorway to his bedroom and unleashing another explosion that nearly cooks Kirishima alive. That is if he didn't essentially turn into a rock seconds before the blast engulfed his whole body, completely chill about the whole thing. I guess he's used to boom boy blowing up like this.

Except, instead of floating around the explosions coming their way, the Coal Tars just let the smoke pour around them, buzzing beside Bakugou and Deku for a moment. And then they realise I'm there, and, in seconds, there's a small swarm approaching me, hiding behind me like I'm here to freaking protect them. Cowards. Of course, Yukio follows their path and- oh boy. Any day now that vein's gonna go, and I don't think I'm gonna have a long wait.

"Rin. What did I tell you about staying downstairs?"

"Kinda hard to sleep with all the explosions, y'know?" I hum, tucking my hands behind my head and blinking at Bakugou and Deku. They're both staring at me, more so at the tiny demons quivering behind me. Deku looks perplexed. Bakugou looks like he understands. I'm a demon, of course the demons like me. Reading his face is like reading a book (which I never do but y'know the thought's there).

"So what the hell are they?" The blonde growls, quirking a brow. Wow, he's really playing up me being a monster, huh? Yeah 'cause all us demons are the same, that's how it works. Still, I just smirk and rest my shoulder against the wall, casting my gaze to my twin brother.

"I think they're ready."

"R-Ready for what?" Deku stammers, looking between the pair of us. My smirk stretches into a grin. One that perfectly shows off my fangs.

"Exorcist initiation."

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