Chapter Thirty: The Penny Drops

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i don't know why i have to repeat this, but this lucifer and manga lucifer are DIFFERENT CHARACTERS!! D I F F E R E NT!

in this story, lucifer, as well as leviathan and beelzebub, are satan's brothers

i thought i'd made that clear <.<

rant over- enjoy the chapter ♡



How did it come to this? How did everything go so wrong, despite all our efforts to keep everything on the right path? Now, here I stand, locked in a standoff with the demon who's come to kill me or take me away or- What does it even matter? He's stolen Kaminari's body, my power outlet's eyes engulfed in a piercing, white glow, whilst his lips twist into a satisfied grin. He's won. Lucifer has already won before he's even started.

"Get out of him." My tone wouldn't even intimidate a mouse. Each syllable quivers, matching the way my fingers tremble. Is this what it feels like to have powers, and be completely powerless? Of course, Lucifer just tosses his head back, barking out a laugh. I don't blame him- I'd want to mock me too. At least, that's what I think he's doing.

Until he steps forward, the silhouette of another man leaving Kaminari's body, before my unofficial boyfriend falls to the mossy floor, limp and completely unconscious. He- Why did he do that? Why did he do what I wanted? He could've easily used him against me, and he just... Let him go. Okay, Rin, please don't go complaining. Just be grateful he's leaving Denki out of this.

"Don't look so surprised. I'm a demon, but I have my standards," he sighs, raising a shadowy hand and clawing it through wisps of smoky hair. As he does, colour starts to peel down his figure, exposing his true form. And... Honestly, it's nowhere near as imposing as I expected. He just looks normal- like an ordinary guy dressed in military uniform, his tail and ears the only indicator towards his demonic nature. "Disappointed?"

This isn't what I expected. Not even in the slightest; from what Yukio had told me, it was as though this demon wouldn't even think before tearing through my friends. Instead, he's frozen them in place. I thought he'd easily use everything I care about the most to put me in the weakest position possible. Instead, he left Kaminari in favour of facing me eye-to-eye. Why? I don't understand.

"What do you want? Me? Them?" I snarl, trying to push a more imposing tone into my cracking voice. It doesn't really work, going by the small snort Lucifer lets out, but I hold my stance nonetheless. I can't trick this one. I can't even figure out his intentions based off of how peacefully he seems to be acting.

"Your father wants you to come home, Rin. That's all. I've come to collect you and take back with me to Gehenna. Come now, there doesn't have to be a struggle about it." He sounds so sincere. So... Good. In seconds, a wave of calm billows over me, relaxing the stiffness in my muscles. I can trust him. He's going to take me somewhere good. He's going to take me home, isn't he? "That's it. Come with me," he coos, offering a hand.

And then I see it. Claws, stained and bloody.

Sharply sucking in a gasp, I quickly stagger backwards, the illusion instantly snapping. And, when it does, the horror finally sinks into every pore of my brain. Class 1A lay all over the forest floor, cuts and wounds torn over their bodies. They're still breathing, but they're covered head to toe in injuries. Every last one of them. H-How- How did this happen?! How did he- "Now now, don't fret. They tried to resist- I was only defending myself," Lucifer sighs, swirling his eyes and running a claw over his tongue, lapping the blood off of it.

Horrified doesn't even begin to cover it. It's as though someone has painted my vision red, and all I can focus on is the blood. I was supposed to protect them. How could he do all of this without me seeing?! And then it drops. The realisation. So this is how strong he is. He put me in an illusion. He could've been here this whole time, and I never even noticed. Because that's what he wanted. He blinded me. He made me think we were safe. He let me believe everything was going perfectly.

When, in reality, he's probably been here since before we even arrived. He was waiting for us.


"Speechless? Now, that's new," Lucifer chuckles, finally breaking his stillness. Dropping his hand to his side, he starts to move towards me, his silence more menacing than any maniacal laughter. All I can do is stagger away from him, desperately fumbling for the sword strapped against my back. But every nerve is numb. I can barely feel my fingers as they clumsily fiddle with the clasp of my sword's casing. "Just stop resisting. It's alright. You'll be safe with me. Just come with me, Rin, and this can all stop," he hushes, trying to pull me under his spell again. But, this time, I can feel it. I can feel the claw-like tendrils of his hallucination wrapping around my mind, desperately attempting to imprison it. 

So, whilst he's distracted with his personal game to capture my consciousness again, I rip my sword from its sheath, slicing through the string of beads tangled around my neck. As soon as I do, my flames explode from my body, bathing the entire clearing in an unholy light. Even though he seems unfazed, Lucifer still takes a step back, admiring the twists of blue snapping at the air.

"I'm not going anywhere with you. Assiah is my home," I snarl, poising my sword to strike. One wrong word out of his mouth, and this thing is coming down on his head. I don't care who he is- Satan's brother, some demon aristocracy- I don't give a shit. Nobody hurts the people I care about.

"Why must you be difficult?" He finally hisses, pinching the bridge of his nose between his claws, the sudden rumble of thunder overhead shaking my nerves for a minute. If he wanted to strike, that would've been the perfect opportunity, but I steady myself before he has the chance to even try. "This was so much easier with Yukio. He put up a fight, yes, but- Well you know how weak his willpower is." Yukio? What- What does he mean?

"The hell are you talking about?!" I roar, gripping the hilt of my blade, feeling the chip in Kurikara starting to latch onto me. The rage pours into my nerves, exaggerating the ferocity of my flames. Yukio's fine! This is just another part of his tricks, isn't it?! He hasn't done anything to Yukio! I only spoke to him-

" 'Please, Rin. Please, you have to trust me. The mountains, just outside of True Cross. There aren't many demons out there, so it'll be harder for him to find you'. You really think I'd come for you without taking him out of the picture first? You definitely don't get your smarts from your father." No. No, this can't- This can't be happening! That's Yukio's voice. He was using Yukio's voice! H-How long? How long has he had me wrapped up in this trick?! "But don't worry. I'm sure he's enjoying Gehenna just fine."

Finally, something in me snaps. For once, I want it to. And, as soon as it does, I abandon reason. I let go of my sense of caution, and throw it to the wind. I don't care if he can give me information, or if he can take me to Yukio. This bastard deserves to die.

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