Chapter Eleven: Emperor of the Waters

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Thankfully, it doesn't take long for everyone to come stumbling out of their rooms, semi-dressed and still trying to tug on what I can only call hero costumes. Bakugou has a pair of huge grenades strapped to his arms, and I wonder if I should be worried of what this kid intends to do with those things around me. But, instead of being his hostile self, he just shoots a glance my way.

"The hell's going on?" He snarls, his question answered way before I can even open my mouth. Already, water has risen up onto this floor, soaking the soles of our shoes.

"A demon. And a real strong one at that. You guys think you're ready to test your powers out on it?" I stammer. Even though the blonde shoots me a questioning look, clearly wondering why I don't just flare up and take it on myself, he turns back to the rest of his class. They all look as ready as half-awake teenagers can be, but it's obvious they don't really know how to approach the situation at all. "Anyone here good with water?" I call over the confused crowd, hoping at least someone will have an advantage here.

And, just when I was about to lose hope, three hands shoot up. One belonging to a girl with thick, green hair that ties itself in a bow at the end. Her tongue pokes out the side of her lips, and everything about her costume screams 'frog'. Okay, I'm gonna put that down on the list of things to freak out about later.

The next hand is attached to the body of a barely-dressed female with a ponytail thicker than my skull, her sharp eyes attentive and eager by the looks of things. Not sure what her power could be, but if she thinks it can help then there's a high chance it will. Finally, there's the half and half kid I've been meaning to ask about for some time now. Like he's been split right down the middle, one section of his hair is a blazing red, whilst the other is purely white. To top it all off, his eyes differ in colour from one another too- one turquoise and one a piercing grey. "Names?"

"Tsuyu Asui!"

"Momo Yaoyorozu!"

"Shoto Todoroki."

"Alright. What makes you guys good against this stuff?" I ask, shaking my foot. My shoe's already drowning in the freezing liquid, and it doesn't seem to be letting up any time soon. "If you'd like to hurry up that'd be nice. Quick answers please."

"My quirk is Frog. I have all the attributes of a frog. Water's where I'm strongest and most capable!" So her quirk is literally called 'Frog'? That explains the appearance I guess.

"My quirk is Creation! I can materialise any object so long as I understand the process of how it could be structured! In this scenario, I could create boats to keep civilians safe from the flooding." Okay, that's pretty badass. Damn, these kids make me feel like my demon powers are super basic. Yikes.

"My quirk is Half-Cold Half-Hot. I have the ability to control both ice and fire depending on which half of my body I use. I was thinking I could freeze over parts of the water to make it easier for us to fight on," the icy-hot kid explains, glancing at his peers. Okay, these three seem like my best bet for tackling this demon, but there's one crucial thing missing.

"Any hard hitters? Demon's are tough- They can't be killed easily, and they need a hell of a lot of brute power to be dealt with without using holy weapons."

"That'll be me," Bakugou finally murmurs, stepping forward and sending sparks to his fingertips. "Can't hit much harder than an explosion to the face." Even though it didn't come across as a threat, I can't help but wonder if it was. Hell, I bet he can't wait to show me just how scared I should be of him. As if I'll let him have me running with my tail between my legs.

"That's that sorted then. Let's go see what we're dealing with." And, with that, I shove open the window and brace myself for the oncoming rain that smashes its way into the hall. Of course, I just do my best to ignore it, turning to the creation girl. Momo, right? "Mind making one of those boats?!" I call over the shrieking wind. But she clearly hears me; before I can even turn back to the window, a bright red glow is emitting from her stomach, where her costume gapes open. Okay, so the lack of clothes makes sense now- she needs skin free to create stuff I'm guessing.

Once she's formed a boat, the small group of us crawl into it if need be. Some students who don't feel they'll have much of an effect in this fight opt to work on helping civilians, whilst the rest of us take on this demon. Whoever it is, I can't say I'm too excited- it'll no doubt know me, and risk blowing my secret in a matter of seconds. But, without all these kids, I'm gonna struggle to take this thing down. Not only is Yukio absent, but the Cram School guys are busy handling a the aftermath of the Impure King in Kyoto. Without me. Rude.

So I'm all on my own. One exorcist who relies on his demonic hellfire to get the job done. Honestly, I just never expected to face a member of Satan's Court whilst trying to train up a bunch of kids sent here to kill me. Given the circumstances, I think I'm doing pretty well. But keeping my cover under wraps is going to be the hard part.

However, before I can dwell on it any longer, a figure appears from the rapids. With water swirling around his form like serpents, a pitch black male with pale markings all over his body emerges into what little light there is forcing its way through his sulking clouds. "That's the demon! You guys ready?"

"Ready!" The class calls out, trying to keep their cools when said demon suddenly latches its eyes onto our boat. For a second, nothing happens- the rain keeps falling, and the waters keep rising. Then the boat starts to shudder, Bakugou nearly losing his balance whilst icy-hot spouts some ice from his fingertips on instinct. We barely have time to regain our stability before it tilts again. This time, a couple fall over the sides, managing to cling on. But barely.

Then, before I can even start helping them up, it happens. Two huge, twisting serpents break out from beneath the surface of the swelling waves. Bearing their fangs, they fix eyes with our small boat before lunging without mercy. The wood is shredded to bits, and we all barely get out without being snapped up by the disgusting tangle of creatures.

'You like them~? Pretty, aren't they?' The demon chimes, lowering himself down. Despite being so far away, his voice is akin to thunder. Loud, booming, and inescapable. A warning of a coming storm. 'But how rude of me. I haven't even introduced myself.'

"Introduce this!" Bakugou roars, aiming his palm towards the creature and setting off a huge explosion. While it rips through the sea serpents that toppled us, it doesn't seem to effect the demon at all. Unless his goal was to piss it off.

'Oh, you're going to regret that.'

"Am I hell! Icy-Hot, get me closer. I'll blow its head right off its body!" Idiot. I admire the willpower, but he's gonna get himself killed if he thinks he can just-

Then again, before I can stop him, he's already blazing trails up a spire of ice, his feet expelling puffs of smoke as he runs. I don't think I've ever seen anyone sprint so fast, and I'm a damn demon myself. I really got on the wrong side of the wrong person, didn't I?

"Kacchan!" Deku yelps, not wasting much time before taking off after him in a flurry of green sparks. This is going to shit, and I can't even get a word in edgeways! But the demon can. When I break my attention away from the pair of idiots stumbling up the biggest spike of ice I've ever seen, I notice the creature murmuring something under its breath. Suddenly, the markings on its body begin to glow, and its eyes glaze over until they're purely white.

'Cretin of the depths, hear my pleas. As Emperor of the Waters, I summon thee. Hear my words and assist my clan. I speak my name- Leviathan!'

That can't be good.

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