Chapter Thirty-Seven: Familiar Face

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Yep. Russia is just as cold as I thought it was gonna be. There's a sharp wind, constantly biting at the tips of my ears as I stand in knee-high snow, shivers repeatedly rolling through me. You'd think being Satan spawn would come with the perk of always being warm, but nope. My nose is as pink as Mina's hair, and I think I'm starting to lose feeling in my toes. Among other places.

"So, this woman- Shura- is she a friend of yours?" Todoroki coolly asks, shifting a little. It's weird- whilst Bakugou and I are stood with snow pretty much burying our lower legs alive, Todoroki's left side is met with a puddle of slush. I guess the kid must be like a radiator, so it's little wonder why, in a matter of moments, both boom boy and myself have inched closer to him.

"Ah... If you wanna say friend. Yeah, let's go with that," I snort, fondly rolling my eyes. I guess I would call Shura my friend, despite the hell she put me through in Kyoto. Whatever that shit was that she put on my tail back then, I hope I never see it again as long as I live. Getting shocked by that thing was probably more painful than taking a gallon of holy water to my back.

"And why the hell did we have to come all the way to Russia? Couldn't she have just come to us?" Bakugou grunts, pulling on the collar of his hero costume's 'winter alternative'. Hey, out of all three of us, he should be the last one complaining- his outfit is practically built to make him hot enough to sweat, even in freezing conditions. So he should be the one keeping me warm!

Still, he's got a good point. Maybe if I hadn't have gone in for the attack on the clown back there, he might've given us the choice to get Shura to come to us. So ah... Yeah, being in Russia might be all my fault. Or there could be more to it than that. For all I know, Mephisto knows exactly where Lucifer's hidden Yukio, and he's keeping it from me. Just like he keeps everything useful from me. I'm willing to bet anything that he was aware of Satan's Court's plans to attack way before they made a move.

Or I'm being too harsh on him. He could just be testing me- trying to fashion me into the best version of myself. Whether it's for my sake, or so the Vatican can use me as a valuable weapon, I'll never know. But, for now, all I care about is getting my brother back.

"I wonder how the others are getting on," Todoroki finally mutters when the wind's whispers start to swirl around us. Silence is awful, especially when you're waiting. All sorts of thoughts can run rampant. Such as the thought of how Kaminari is right now.

See, when I told him we were heading to Russia, Deku had already come up with a plan- he wanted to go back to UA and find out just who gave the order to come and kill me in the first place. When we asked everyone, nobody seemed to actually know. All they know is that they were asked to do it, but their minds went foggy when trying to picture the mouth those words came out of.

Which is... Weird to say the least.

So you can imagine why I'm so worried. With the whole thing being so bizarre, there's probably a way bigger force at play than any of us have even realised yet. If they head back to UA, there's no telling what sort of threat they're going to encounter. It's pretty obvious the order wasn't given by any of their teachers; they'd remember who if it had been. Which leaves me positive that some sort of demonic force is at play. It's little wonder why the majority of the class headed back there, only Todoroki and Bakugou opting to stick with me. 

And that was only because they're excellent at fighting in the snow. At least, their quirks would suggest as such. Trust me, I wanted Kaminari to come too. I swear, I was near enough begging to let him tag along to Russia. But, when you think about it, snow is water at the end of the day. Not runny water, obviously, but water nonetheless. And my lightning rod is a walking power outlet, just fizzing with electricity. He steps one foot in any of the slush around us, and we'll all end up getting zapped. I think.

"Yo! You boys look freezing!" As soon as Shura's voice carves through the cold, my brain gets plucked out of those anxieties I was talking about. Of course, she's as half-naked as ever, little flakes of snow clinging to her thighs as she strides through it all. And there's a can of something hanging from her fingertips. Damn, is she ever gonna stop drinking on the job? "Hey, where's Rin? Demon, about this tall, clearly gay but we haven't had the talk."

"Maybe if you put down the damn booze you'd be sober enough to see I'm right here!" I snap, narrowing my eyes. I'm surprised she can still wade through all this snow; it looks like she's ready to fall over at any second. But she shuffles close enough to clap her hand on my shoulder, snorting a drunken laugh and bending closer. Yeah, those boobs do absolutely nothing for any of us. Just three, gay, stone-faced guys, staring at her with unimpressed expressions.

"Oh shit, I didn't even recognise you. The hell happened, kid?" She slurs, picking up a piece of my white hair between her fingertips, all whilst her eyes track down to my tail. Huh, I guess Mephisto didn't clue her in at all, did he? Figures.

"I'll explain later. Mephisto said to come find you."

"Hah? Oh, yeah, he asked me to get my familiars tracking Yukio."

"So you know where he is?"

"Hell no! But we'll find him," she hums, straightening out and crushing the empty can once she's taken her final swig. "Gotta say, it ain't gonna be easy. My familiars hate the cold- it's messing with them a bit."

"Well they better get over it. I've gotta find my brother."

"Alright, alright, jeez. Did ya finally grow a pair or something?"

"This isn't a joke!"

"You're telling me. If Yukio can get his ass captured, then I don't even wanna know what that means for the rest of us." Just like that, her whole attitude shifts. Her features quickly harden, and her entire stance stiffens. Even the tone of her voice darkens. It's kinda scary how quickly she can just flick like a switch. "C'mon. Headquarters isn't too far off. Let's move before the snow picks up." And then she's back to walking. Her fiery ponytail sweeps the small of her back as she sways her hips, and Bakugou, Todoroki and I just follow the trail she carves out with her thighs.

Hang in there, Yukio. Just for a little bit longer.

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