Chapter Thirty-Six: Adjustment

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"Well? How does it feel?"

"Softer than I thought if I'm being honest," I hum, twirling on the spot in my brand new exorcist uniform, staring down at the pitch fabric as it swirls around. Man, I love this coat, right down to the trim running along the edges of it. A colour scheme that compliments my new look pretty perfectly if I do say so myself.

And Kaminari just watches me with a smile, arching a brow and straightening a few parts of it out when I finally stop prancing around like a kid who just got new clothes for his first day back at school. So I just shuffle on the spot as he plucks the occasional crease out. "I wish you were this anal about your own uniform. You're all creased up before we've even gotten to Cram School most of the time," I chuckle with a knowing smirk, watching his cheeks turn a bright pink.

"That's- Well that's not my fault," he huffs, stepping back with a pout, eyes fluttering all over me. And, honestly, it makes me go all bashful, features warming up as his gaze drifts over everything new. Then again, I guess it's kinda hard to not stare- so much has changed, and none of us have had any time to just sit and catch up. Can you really blame both of us for just wanting to take it all in?

So, whilst Kaminari analyses me, I glance over at myself in the mirror opposite, threading my fingers through my newly-coloured hair. I don't know what happened, or why it happened, but hey... At least now I look like the main character of some sort of edgy, emo anime with loads of flesh-eating monsters. My hair is such a pale blue, it may as well be white, and the smaller wisps framing my ears barely even come close to the pointed tips anymore. I barely look like the same person.

And yet, I couldn't possibly feel more like myself.

"It's crazy. I... I really look weird, huh?" I finally snort, focusing my attention back on Kaminari. Did he get closer when I wasn't looking, or is it just me? Rolling his shoulders into a small shrug, he just slides his hand into mine, sheepishly dusting some hair away from my eyelashes.

"I dunno. I like it," he chuckles, leaning closer. And closer and closer until- The door bursts open. Again. Why the hell do people keep barging in on us when we're this close to kissing?! Of course, Pikachu staggers away from me with a startled squeak, dropping my hand and shoving his own deep into his pockets. Just in time for Bakugou to step into the room, eyebrow quirked and jaw set.

"Teach, there's some guy outside asking for you."

"Dammit, Bakugou, if it ain't an emergency, at least have the damn decency to knock!" I snap, fixing my cuffs and pushing my hair back, my ivory tail twitching a little out of sheer irritation. And he just stands there, leaning against the doorway, completely unfazed. Dick. He's my friend now, sure. But he's a dick. "What guy?"

"Dunno. Got weird hair. Wearing a clown costume."

"Shit. Ah... Both of you stay here, got it?" I gently hiss, shooting Bakugou a look before pushing past him, stomach twisting. Mephisto. The damn clown who never lets on what his real plans are. The one who just miraculously disappeared the minute the UA kids showed up here to collect my head on a stick. The hell's he been playing at, the bastard?!

Thankfully, I get to ask him myself.

As soon as I get outside and see him standing there with that dumb grin and that stupid parasol, I wrap myself up in flames, snarling under my breath. "Where the hell have you been?!" I practically roar, watching him nonchalantly swirl to avoid me when I go to grab his collar, the tip of that umbrella jamming right down onto my tail. And man does it encourage one hell of a howl out of me.

"Rin, you know what I always say. A gentleman keeps his tail tucked in tight."

"I'm not a freaking gentleman, you clown!" I snap, whirling around to land a slash on him, only to find myself clawing at the air. Dammit! How the hell does he keep just drifting off like that?! And, just like last time, he pinches the tip of my tail with his parasol, clearly enjoying whatever game he thinks he can get away with playing. Well I'm done being treated like a kid.

Pulling my upper lip over my canines, I narrow my eyes and quickly swing around, finally fast enough to grab Mephisto by the throat. I don't know why I expected him to suddenly change his attitude- to at least struggle a little bit. He just looks at me, arches a brow, and lets out a choked chuckle.

"My my, you really are starting to act like a demon," he hums. As though he's just shot poison down my arm, I release him as quickly as I snatched him up off of the ground, backing away from him. The hell's that supposed to mean?! I have every right to be pissed at him! He doesn't show up to my trial, he leaves me to fend for myself against Lucifer- where the hell was he?! I thought he was meant to help me, the bastard!

"You shoulda been there."

"If I had, this wouldn't have happened. And you wouldn't be complete," he sighs, swinging his cape as he turns his back to me, suddenly tossing a key over his shoulder. Stumbling a little, I only just manage to catch it, staring down at the weird shape of the damn thing. "Miss Kirigakure is waiting for you in Russia. I suggest you get there quickly. Yukio can't wait for you forever." Wait-

"Yukio?! Hey! Hey, where is he?! Tell me where he is!" But he's gone, just like that. In a puff of smoke, he's out of sight, leaving me with a buzzing sting that slowly starts to creep through my nerves. 

And all of it is coming from the key sat in my hand.

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