Chapter Twenty-Five: Stir-Crazy

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"You sure about this? Can still take ya back to your room," Bakugou grunts, narrowed eyes sliding my way as he helps me through the hallways of the hotel. After everything, it was kinda obvious that none of us were in any sorta shape for travelling. And, since I don't really trust myself at all right now, being trapped on a train for a few hours (with every chance that each person on it could drive me absolutely insane) is just a massive no-go.

But I can't keep myself shut away in my room forever. Even two days was enough to drive me stir-crazy. Since they let me outta the hospital, the Exwires have kept me in a different damn section of the hotel altogether- way away from the UA students, and pretty much any and all life. I think they managed to wrangle me into some sort of abandoned basement or something. So I guess you can't blame me for wanting to get some fresh air.

"I gotta see more than just stupid walls. I'm gonna go nuts if I stay in that room for another day," I grumble, pushing my fingers through my hair and pinning it back with my clip. Only for the metal to pinch my finger. With a sharp hiss, I whip my hand back whist my flames jump at the chance to leap up, the embers barely grazing Bakugou's shoulder. "Shit, sorry," I stammer, sticking my fingertip in my mouth and lowering my head.

"You gotta get that under control real fast," he huffs, dusting off the small burn mark on his shirt, as though that'll really get rid of it. As much as I wanna argue with him, we both know he's right. If I don't get my act together real soon, there's no way I can keep on teaching them. I'll have to pass them over to Bon or something, and, trust me, I really don't think I can stomach that. He'll hold that failure over me till the day we die, I just know it.

But it's difficult. My flames are so trigger-happy right now. That crack in Kurikara is making for an absolute nightmare. Just when I got a handle on my demonic powers, they've managed to slip through my fingers again, and it's like trying to pick up sand when I wanna force them down. It seems every inconvenience is just another chance for me to flare up. "But I know that ain't exactly easy."

"Can we change the subject?" I eventually huff, stuffing my smoking palms into my pockets, as though I can pretend they aren't inches away from being on fire if they're out of my sight. Thankfully, Mcsplode just nods once and turns his head to the side, plodding up the stairs just a little ways in front of me.

"You wanna know where we're going?"

"Food, right?"

"Could be," he snorts, pushing the door open and quietly letting me through, quirking his brow. What's he hiding? There has to be something he's playing at. Just reading his face is enough to signal that much. Why is he like this? Can't he cut me a break?

"C'mon, man, tell me. I don't need any more stress right now, dude," I groan, stopping dead in place. If he wants to make me move, he has to tell me everything. Otherwise, I'm not budging. Only, he doesn't really catch on to that concept. Instead, he just rolls his eyes and sets off two miniature explosions beneath my heels, forcing me to stagger forward with a startled yelp. "HEY!" I snarl, only to instantly shrink down when my flames burst out again, tangling around my body like starved snakes.

"Probably best you don't know. Don't want ya getting stressed," he huffs, turning his back to me whilst I desperately push my blue hellfire back into the pit it crawled out from. Best I don't know? What the hell's that supposed to mean? "Just... Don't freak out, and you'll both be fine." Man, I hate this. I hate this so much.

As he leads me further and further through the hotel, taking me through twists and turns I didn't even know existed, all I can do is dwell on my anxiety. My entire chest feels like it's being vacuum-packed, making it way harder to breathe than it should be. Colours dance around the rim of my vision, clearly having a much better time than I am. Is this an anxiety attack? Is that what I've gotta deal with now?

I guess that question is gonna have to be put on hold; before I can open my mouth to say another word, we finally stop. Outside a door. Not a special door, like an exit or something. Just a plain old door, not unlike my own. The only difference is the number hanging from it. For one, it's not half-rusted and barely clinging to the wood. Yeah, the Exwires really know how to teach their pet demon well.

Not saying anything, Bakugou just knocks a couple times, then takes a step back, grabbing my wrist and pulling me in front of the doorway. I barely have time to process his smirk before I hear a small click. Then, there he stands. Eyes wide, golden irises lighting up like sun breaking through thunderclouds.

"Okumura?" Kaminari whispers, stumbling forward and wrapping me up in a hug. His hold is desperate, and everything in me pleads me to hug him back. To burrow my face into his shoulder and let out everything I've been keeping in. But something stops me. No, everything stops me. What the hell was Bakugou thinking?!

"Uh... Hey," I murmur, at least thankful for one thing- Kaminari can't see the concentrated fear on my face as my eyes lock onto the carpet. That's the best thing about hugs- you can never see the other person's reaction. Then again, I'm sure my heart is thudding hard enough for him to feel through my chest. If it is, he doesn't bring it up.

So, this is my next battle. My next fight.

Don't flare up in front of the boy you're falling for.

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