Chapter Seven: Trust Issues

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"C'mon, man. It's late," Kirishima huffs, sprawled out on the bed like he already owns the place. He's got a lousy shirt hanging off his shoulders, and his hair is flattened down by his neck. I hate sharing a room, but it could be worse I guess. At least I don't have an awful view- just that red-haired idiot and his dumb face. "You can't tell me you're not tired after what you went through today."

"Shut up. I woulda kicked that demon's ass," I growl, having not even started to shrug my clothes off. I don't know why, but I just can't help but think that there's more I should be doing with the information I know. About Okumura. Fucking Okumura, the piece of shit I just met and already hate. He's lying through his teeth. Y'know, like an ass.

Thing is, I don't know who I should tell. Anyone? Kirishima? Everyone? I just- It's so damn annoying! I hate being the only one who knows what's really going on here, but I can't bring myself to blurt it out. We're here to kill a demon. Okumura's a demon. Don't know if he's the one we were sent here for, but he's still a monster. And yet... He cooked food for us. He welcomed us with a grin as dumb as the ones Kirishima shows off whenever I make him laugh.

Something about him is too likeable to destroy. Though that doesn't mean I can stand the guy; demon or not, he's still a filthy liar. He's got his reasons for hiding shit from everyone else, but we're just the henchmen. We ain't the ones who actually want him dead- it's just what we've been told to do. If he let slip that he's a demon to all of us, it'd be up to us if he's our target or not.

Unless there's way more to it than I already know.

And all I do know is that he uses blue flames to fight, the flames come out when he draws that sword, and he's... Got a tail. Which, in itself, isn't really too weird. A hell of a lotta people back home have tails- ain't like it's anything freaky. If anyone saw it, he'd easily be able to cover it up as just being part of some sort of birth defect. Maybe he could tell them one of his parents had a quirk, but he only got the tail and nothing else.

I'm making excuses for him. Why the hell am I making excuses for him?! This shit's so complicated, and I shouldn't even have anything to fucking do with it! But I can't get out of it now, can I? I know something nobody else does, and he's gonna try and make sure it stays that way for as long as possible. Especially now he isn't walking around with that sword.

"Bakugou? Dude, are you blanking me on purpose?" Kirishima. I totally forgot about that idiot. Shaking my head, I blink a few times before turning my eyes his way, only to narrow them at his smug grin. Tch. "You've got a lot going on in there, huh?" He's got no idea. I wanna tell him. I want him to know; out of everyone here, he's the only one I can kinda tolerate.

"There's something I gotta say about Okumura."



"You're stiff." Instantly, I jump with a squeak, cheeks flushing bright red as my eyes land on Todoroki. Who's just stood there in his slacks and a shirt that's way too big. But his shoulders still manage to fill it pretty well, what with them being so broad and... Deku stop. Too late- I've already gone a deeper shade of red. All I did was look at him in his pyjamas, and I'm all flustered!

"I-I'm fine!" I bleat, cursing how painfully awkward I seem to always be around him. Obviously, he's having none of it; as soon as I splutter my lies, he approaches me and sits beside me. On my bed. Just the two of us. Sat on my bed. His left shoulder is touching mine, and the warmth is absolutely incredible. Like he's cuddling me, without actually cuddling me.

"Well you clearly aren't. You've had your nose in that book since we finished dinner," he points out, peering down at the pages clasped in my hands. Honestly, I'm too lost in the complexity of his eyes to pay much attention to his movements. At least, until he places a fingertip under the chapter title. "Exorcisms? You're getting on this a bit early, huh?" He chuckles, and every part of me melts. Honestly, it feels like my soul just left my body, and I don't care enough to pull it back.

"W-Well, today really shook me up. It made me realise how powerless our quirks are against demons. If we wanna fight, we've gotta do it the True Cross way."

"The True Cross way? That the technical term for it?"

"M-Maybe," I squeak, giggling. And then he chuckles again. Oh... My god. That chuckle. That- I'm gonna die. This boy is gonna kill me. Would he come to my funeral? Would he cry over me? I don't think I've ever seen him cry outside of school. And, even then, it's only happened once or twice. I wonder if he'd bring flowers to honour my memory- tell everyone that I was an inspiration to him and he'll continue to use his left side in my stead.

What... Is wrong with me? "Todoroki, I need to tell you something!" I suddenly blurt, clapping a hand over my mouth. I need to stop talking. I need to keep my lid on, or I'll just embarrass myself. Think. Think of a coverup, quick! He's already blinking at me, expecting some sort of big reveal. Oh no. Why did I say anything?!

"What is it?"

"A-Ah... Well I-... Ah... I think that demon injuring me did something to my sight." Nailed it. Although, I'm not exactly lying. Once I blacked out, I woke up with a bunch of little pitch creatures all around me. At first, I thought I was dreaming. That, or I was still covered in a casing of gross, disgusting flies. But they're still here, even when I look past Todoroki. They just... Float around. Like they don't have a care in the world.

"Really? Like what?"

"I see these little black things. They're like tiny pieces of coal and-" BOOM! I hear the blast before I feel the heat permeating the wall behind me. Todoroki jerks away from me, and my heart sinks to my stomach.

What now?!

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