Chapter Sixteen: Tough Love

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"Bakugou, dude, calm down!" Kirishima desperately tries to plead as he essentially drags me into an empty classroom, tightly shutting the door behind us. My palm is still sizzling with sparks, and a low snarl rattles behind my teeth. After all the shit I found out about Okumura, how the hell am I meant to calm down?! Those flames- the flames he probably doesn't even have control of- killed thousands of innocent people in cold blood! How can I just let someone with that power go around being friendly with my class, when I know how much he could hurt them?

"Don't tell me what to do!" I roar, a small explosion leaping from my palm as I slam my other fist into the wall, muscles twitching and trembling as heat pricks at my nerves. What else was I meant to do? We're here to kill a demon, aren't we?! Okumura's that demon, he just has to be! He's the son of the goddamn devil- he uses hellfire to fight with! How is that not the demon that needs to die just so we can all go home safely?!

"Look, man, I know you're angry. And I know you're freaking out, but you've gotta try to listen to me," that stupid red-haired bastard hushes, pretending like my behaviour doesn't scare him at all. If he wasn't afraid of me, his hands wouldn't be hardened. I just... Don't even know what to do with myself. I was so close- he was right there. He was under my palm. I could've killed him in one hit and I-... I missed. I aimed away. I couldn't do it. Why couldn't I kill him?!

"Shut the hell up!" I snap again. Why do I keep pushing him away? He's trying to help me, dammit! Why do I keep trying to tell myself I don't need help?! I guess Kirishima realises I'm trembling, because in moments he's by my side, soft fingertips pressing against my cheeks. Our crimson eyes meet, and I immediately lock on to his gentle smile. Why's he doing this? Why is he so damn nice to me?

"After what you told me, I get why you'd do something like this. But, fact is we don't know if Okumura's our guy yet."


"-I know. He's the son of Satan. I read it too, but- Dude, he hasn't hurt any of us."


"I really don't think he will. He's a nice guy. Trust me, I know what a nice guy looks like." I wanna argue. I wanna tell him he's wrong, and that he needs to shut the hell up and mind his own business. But this became his business when I told him everything I'd seen up on that roof. About Okumura, about those flames and the tail and- all of it. I told Kirishima everything that night, like I'd suffocate if I didn't get the words out of my throat. And, in doing so, I dragged him into the thick of it.

"If there's a chance he could hurt anyone, I ain't taking it."

"I know. You wanna protect us." Damn. Just like always, he's seen straight through me. Through all of the anger and the unwarranted rage, he's stared right into my damn soul all over again. I just wanna keep my classmates outta danger, is that really so sappy?! Most of them are idiots, and I can't really stand them. But, in a way, I guess they're all I've got.

"Will you let go of my face?" I eventually hiss, worming my way out of his hold and tossing my head to one side, stare fixing on a couple chips from the wall my fist introduced itself to. Everywhere I go, I cause some sort of destruction, huh? No wonder people used to think I'd turn villain eventually. "I'm not some sappy idiot, weird hair. You're all just weaklings- none of you would stand a chance against Okumura. Not even icy-hot."

"Whatever you say, man." Why does he have to grin like that? Like the big idiot he is. "Still, you shouldn't try to kill our teach. He's a good guy, I think you just need time to realise that. You gotta remember, he didn't kill anyone. That was all Satan."

"But he-"

"-Todoroki ain't like his dad, is he? Not even close. I don't think Okumura's like Satan either. You gotta give him a chance," he murmurs, choosing his words carefully. He knows how short my fuse is now, and he definitely knows I hate being ordered around. But... I guess he's got a point. Which just makes all of this even more irritating. Maybe I jumped the gun a bit.

"Whatever. Just don't make me look like an idiot when I go apologise," I snap, squaring my shoulders a little as I finally stand up straight. And, obviously, Kirishima's just smiling like he's all proud of me or some shit. He's got that stupid twinkle to his eye, one that doesn't go away as he throws an arm around me.

"Wow, I didn't even have to convince you to go say sorry! I'm proud of you, man."

"Shut up," I hiss, elbowing him in the ribs. It hurts me more than it hurts him, 'cause his abs might as well be made of rock, but there's no way in hell I'd ever admit that to his face. "Let's just go. And don't you dare tell anyone about any of this." He grins again. For some reason, I trust him anyway.


"Are you alright, Okumura. Can you hear me?"

"Y-Yeah, I can hear you. Just not well." It's been a few minutes since my confrontation with Bakugou. Since he got dragged away by who I'm sure could've only been Kirishima, Kaminari and Deku started on getting me back in working order. Sitting up wasn't much of a challenge, but staying upright is the real struggle. My hearing on one side is so busted, I can't help but worry that it's gone forever. Then again, I guess the ringing begs to differ.

"Well, it's a start. How many fingers am I holding up?" Kaminari stutters, pulling his hands up in front of my face and waving them around a bit. Struggling to keep up, what with the pulsing rings around my vision, I grab one of his wrists and squint at his fingers.


"Okay, guess you're on the mend," he chuckles. Even through blurry eyes, I watch his cheeks turn pink. "So... Why'd Bakugou go for you? Did you do something to make him mad? It doesn't really take a lot," he snorts, though he quickly snaps out of his jovial demeanour when he realises he probably shouldn't be laughing, given the situation. Although, honestly, it makes me feel a hell of a lot better.

"Beats me." Total lie. "Probably didn't like me telling him his aim is crap." Another lie, but one that makes Kaminari visibly cringe. Yeah, I know. Haven't known these kids long, and even I already know that literally anything you say could piss Bakugou off.

"Yeah well... That'll do it." Before I can open my mouth to say anything else, suddenly, Bakugou's rounding the corner with Kirishima attached to his side. He casts a glance my way, rolls his eyes once, then shuffles over. Once he's crouched down to eye-level, he reaches out a hand, features stoic, and offers for me to shake it.

"Sorry." And, for a brief moment, Bakugou and I reconcile in peace.

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