Chapter Four: Breaking Rules

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It's dark. I can't... See anything. I can't hear anything. It's just dark and fuzzy white noise. Is that white noise? Or is it the incessant buzzing generated by the swarm of flies holding me captive? That has to be it. 'You're so clever. Your bones are going to make such a nice addition to my throne'. That demon... Can he hear my thoughts? He's without a body, but he's still communicating with me. Is he inside my head?

A crashing gunshot is what finally splits through my droning, fading thoughts, gripping a gasp and tearing it from me.

"Let him go!" A voice, far softer than I would expect, yells over the screaming buzz of the insects all around me. I can't see him, but I hear him ready his weapon a second time, firing another bullet. And, judging by the sharp whistle, it narrowly misses my ear.

'My my! Now, is that any way to treat your new guest?'

"I hope you're not talking about yourself, asshole!" A new voice. One I know all too well. Before I can even process what's happening, my whole form is framed by the smoke of a recently-cast explosion, angry embers searing through the clusters of flies. Kacchan. "Let him go before I blast you so hard they'll hear you screaming from hell!" I wish I could smile at his hard-headed determination. But I don't think I can even open my eyes- I just feel the heat of his blasts and the tickling of the blitz on my skin.

'Such an ill-mannered child. And to think, you're training to be a hero.' Then, just like that, my body hits the ground. All of the restraints holding me up vanish. My eyes spring open, and I barely catch sight of Kacchan before the swarm engulfs him in my place. C'mon, get up. I have to get up!

"Izuku!" Yukio. So that's who called out before, the freckled male rushing over to me the second the path is clear enough for him. I'm already pushing myself to stand, but the moment his arm wraps around my waist, I collapse against him, totally drained of all my energy. "Take it easy. His flies were starting to suck the life out of you. You need to rest."

"But Kacchan needs my help."

"He'll be fine, I'll make sure of it. If you keep walking down those stairs, you'll find a pathway that leads under the dorm block- your classmates will meet you there with Rin."

"Y'know it's rude to talk about someone behind their back."

"Wha- RIN?!"


*moments earlier*


"C'mon, guys, keep moving!" I call over all the shit going on above us. The walls feel like they're gonna fall apart at any second, and all the crashing and booming really doesn't do much to settle the mood. I already had to fight off the red-haired kid when he insisted on going after the blonde ball of explosions, but now they all just drag their feet as they follow behind me. Look at me- being responsible. Yukio actually trusted me with a whole class. Huh... So this is how much pressure he feels all the time being in charge of us.

"Okumura, is everything gonna be alright? Will Midoriya and Bakugou be okay?" And there he is again, asking questions I don't have the answers to. If I could use my damn flames to fight, none of this would be happening- that demon would be long gone before it could even try to come at me. But I can't fight. So I don't know how well Yukio's handling himself alone. Sure, he's damn strong, and more talented than most exorcists, but even he has his limits.

"Ah... Alright, y'know what? You're pretty much in the clear zone here, so take this and don't leave this spot. Got it?" I quickly mutter, handing the key to the redhead before taking off back upstairs, heart stuttering in my chest. Yukio's gonna kill me. But if I don't help, those kids could end up dead before they can even fight the demon off.

Which is why I grab Kurikara on my journey to the roof, fingers gripped tight around the red cloth binding the scabbard. I won't use it unless I don't have a choice. It's not like the whole class will be up there to see anyway. And, even if they do, maybe they won't think I'm a demon right away. Maybe... Man, I don't know. I'm praying for a miracle.

A miracle that might take some time to get here; not long after I set foot on the last set of stairs leading outside, the explosions completely stop. The rumbling ceases, and Yukio's gunfire halts completely. So, either the bastard's dead, or things just got a lot worse.

"He'll be fine, I'll make sure of it. If you keep walking down those stairs, you'll find a pathway that leads under the dorm block- your classmates will meet you there with Rin." Yukio. I hear him before I see him, my form tumbling through the doorway and pretty much landing in a pile close to him. From here, I see that Deku kid laying up against a post, his skin pale and completely white. He looks like shit.

"Y'know, it's rude to talk about someone behind their back." As expected, as soon as I speak, my brother whips around, nothing but absolute horror on his face.

"Wha- RIN?!" He cries, eyes quickly finding the sword clasped in my hand. Y'know what I said about him busting a vein? I think it just happened; I don't think I've seen him this mad at me in a long time, fog practically misting up his glasses. "The hell do you think you're doing?" He snarls, seizing my sword and abruptly pulling it out of my hand. "Where are the students?!"

"They're safe! I didn't wanna just leave you, four eyes!"

"You can't be up here! Get back down before-"

'There he is! The star of the hour! Rin, my boy, how are you? You look so well. And so... Boring.' The hell? Did that clump of flies just fucking talk? Not only that, but it's like the voice came in a pair, and I don't understand why until I spot what's stuck inside the buzzing swarm. The blonde kid, smoke sizzling from his fingertips. It's talking through him. It's possessing him.

"Rin, go. Get outta here. Take Izuku down to the others now!"

'Oh, what's the sudden rush? I've waited so long to see my dear nephew,' he purrs, the cluster shifting closer towards us. Deku's out cold, Yukio's freaking out more about me being here than the demon, and the guy who blew holes through the freaking ceiling is probably gonna end up dead if I don't do something.

"Sorry, Yukio," I murmur, flicking open one last buckle and tugging my sword from its case, leaving my brother behind as I approach the heaving ball of insects.

"RIN, NO!" He cries.. Right as I rip Kurikara from its sheath and burst into a ball of blue flames.

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