Chapter Five: Risk

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The second my flames wrap around me, twisting like blue tornados around my limbs, I leap forward without a single shred of hesitation. I keep an eye on the blonde kid trapped in the flies, and make sure to aim my slashes as far away from him as I can make them. And, thank god knows who, as soon as the fire engulfs the insects, they scatter and fizz with glowing embers of cyan.

'Ouch. Oh, my feelings. Is that any way to greet your uncle?' The damn demon hisses, dropping 'Bakugou' from his hold and finally taking a form that isn't just a bunch of disgusting flies. And, when he does, I kinda wish he hadn't- his skin looks like it was taken from the bones of a corpse itself. There's no colour to it, save for the golden patterns twisting in the sun.

"The hell's that meant to mean?!" I roar, thrusting myself forward again, blade poised towards his chest. I expect him to leap out of the way, so, the moment he does, I spring off of the ground and land a hit directly on his tail. I almost cringe when I slice it straight off, yet he doesn't make a sound.

'Now now, Rin. Show some decorum. I only wanted to see those flames of yours,' he sighs, though I quickly interrupt his irritating droning with another acute slash. One that barely misses his ear, my sword clattering against one of his horns. What's with this guy? Why the hell won't he just die?!

Snarling, feeling the demonic surge wash over me, I force my blade down harder, flames billowing down the length of the iron. He can't react fast enough, and he takes a full blow to the face, finally letting out a sharp, strangled screech. However, before I can follow up with another attack, he suddenly lunges at me, gripping my tail and using it to slam me down into the roof, the impact knocking the air from my lungs. Shit, what an ass! Going for the tail's such a low blow! 'There's a good boy. You sit and think about what you've done,' he snarls, cradling the side of his face. I can't see much, just that the skin's definitely torn. Like my powers acted as some sort of shredder.

"Why don't you shut the hell up?!"

'Funny choice of words. That's where I'm trying to return you to.' Then he's gone, only to almost instantly appear beside me. Thankfully, I spring out of the way before he can slam his fist right into my ribcage, though it's hard to catch my footing after the shock of being thrown to the ground like that. Even as I try to stand up, ready to dodge his next attack, I find myself stumbling.

"Why the hell would I go anywhere with you?" I spit, coughing and catching a few splatters of blood in my hand. Not good. Even worse when he once again disappears from sight, zipping right to my side and hitting me with a kick that sends me into the grate framing the roof. He's throwing me around like a damn doll! What kind of demon is he?!

'Because your father is very eager for you to come home.' Finally, I catch a breath. And it's a gasp. My... Father? Old man? No- he wouldn't be in hell. There's no way he could be talking about anyone other than-

Satan. Just at the thought of his name, my flames swell and sizzle my skin, flaring to the border of my control. No, calm down. Gotta calm down. I can't let them take over, or I'll never get them back again. 'Oh, how interesting. Just the mention alone is enough to crack you,' he hums, dropping his hand from his cheek and spreading his lips into a huge, unearthly grin. With the right side of his face missing, it just makes it all the creepier. Teeth spill out of the gaping hole, sharp and ready to tear flesh apart.

"Get the fuck away from me."

'You wouldn't want me to do that. You know, I could tell you things about your father that would amaze you. All the people he killed- all the demons he's enslaved. It's wonderful. I wish you could see the empire he's built with his wonderful, blue flames.' He's playing me like a fiddle; every single time he even mentions Satan, my powers push the boundaries of my hold. Like a bubble about to burst. I gotta keep it together. I can't... Let him get to me. I have to control it. All he does is laugh, approaching my battered body. Even if I wanted to move out of his way, I can't divert any of my focus. All of it has to stay on holding my flames back. 'Let yourself go. Become the demon you know you are.'

"I said GET AWAY FROM ME!" I scream, fire erupting from my body in a vicious spiral that completely engulfs him. Yes. Burn him. Burn him completely. Don't leave anything behind! Kill him! Then, kill everyone else! Everything must die! No. N-No! Stop it! And I do. Somehow, before I lose control of myself for good, I shut off my powers and collapse to my knees, barely able to raise my head. But I at least try to force myself to, fixing my pulsing gaze with the staggering demon before me. He's burnt, what little clothes he was wearing scattered with embers.

'Just wait until your father hears about this,' he chimes, taking a few steps back before bursting into a buzzing ball of flies, each one scattering skywards until they're totally gone.


Finally managing to push myself to my feet, I drag myself over to my discarded scabbard and slide my blade back into its case, hands shaking a little. That was too close. I almost lost it, there and then. I gotta be more careful.

"You think he's gonna come back?" I rasp, turning to face my brother on the other side of the roof. Only to find he's right in front of me, not even hesitating before slamming his fist into my cheek.

"What the HELL were you thinking?! Do you have any idea how lucky you are that these two were unconscious?! If someone saw you- I just can't believe you!" He roars, grabbing my sword and tearing it away from me before I can even try to pick it back up. Alright, I guess I deserved that one.

"He woulda killed you."

"And these two would've killed you. Until you learn, you're not having this back."

"Wait WHAT?!"

"This is serious, Rin! This has been serious for the past week, and you still haven't got it! Your flames can't be the answer every time we're in danger! I don't need protecting!"

"Neither do I!"

"Clearly you do. Get out of my sight. I've got injured students to take care of," he hisses, scooping both Bakugou and Deku up, one over each shoulder. He doesn't even look at me- he just... Walks away, leaving me alone on the roof, a huge bruise blistering over my cheek.



I didn't see it for long. Fuck, I'd pretty much blacked out at that point. But I saw it, right before I went. Blue flames, a tail, and a face like a damn monster. The demon we're looking for.

It's Okumura.

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