Chapter Twenty-Nine: Climb Every Mountain

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I won't lie and say it's been easy these past couple days. Since Yukio's call, all any of us have done is prepare and prepare and then prepare a little bit more. We loaded up as many supplies as we could physically carry, and then we set out. Even though it feels as though we've been walking for forever, in reality, it's only been for just less than a day.

Despite this, however, I can tell they're all starting to reach their limits; even Bakugou, the guy who would rather kick the bucket than admit defeat, is dragging his feet as he walks, practically pulling Kirishima along behind him by the hand. Alright, maybe this is where we stop for the night; alongside everyone pretty much looking ready to drop, the sun has already began to sink into the amber horizon, throwing up all sorts of citrus colours.

"Okay, we're gonna call it here. We'll set up camp till tomorrow, then we'll keep going."

"Do we have to? What's wrong with this place?" Mina whines, plopping herself down on the grass, not unlike a bit of strawberry ice-cream some kid dropped on a hot day. I guess she's got a point; everywhere you look, there're just thick clusters of trees and foliage. There's a stream nearby- one we've been following this entire trek, and the moss underfoot would probably create a nice, natural mattress. Maybe this is good enough. I mean, we're still up the mountain. Yukio never said anything about having to be on top of it.

"Fair point, Mina. Everyone, set up. We'll stick here until Yukio calls to give the all clear."

"And how long is that gonna take?" Mineta huffs.

"Yeah, teach. Don't wanna sound pushy, but sleeping out in the wild like this is super freaky." Mina mewls, shuddering a little where she sits.

"I don't see an issue." Todoroki hums, already helping Momo create everything for the rest of our tents. I get it. They don't wanna sleep rough, I totally understand. Neither do I, if we're being real for a second. But-

"Look, your safety is my top priority as your teacher. If Lucifer is coming to get me, he won't think twice about going through all of you to get to me."

"Why does Lucifer even want you, Mr. Okumura? Surely we're more of an anomaly than you are," Deku quietly murmurs, taking some tarp and rope off of Todoroki as it's passed over to him. Huh. How did I honestly think none of them would even start to wonder about that? To me, it's so obvious why Lucifer wants me. He's my uncle- Satan's brother. But only a couple people here know that.

"Well... I'm a pretty high-rated exorcist. I've gotta be to be allowed to teach you guys, so-... So maybe it's because of that. Demons don't really make a lot of sense," I eventually snort, nonchalantly getting to work on pitching a couple tents. I gotta get better at my excuses, but at least Deku seems to buy it, simply shrugging his shoulders and getting back to helping with setting up camp. Of course, I don't miss the knowing glances Bakugou and Kirishima send my way, Kaminari quietly reaching out and squeezing my hand. Even though there're only three of them in the loop, that's still three too many.

Because they know how likely it is that this is all for nothing. That, despite running for the hills (literally), Lucifer is still going to find me. And I dread to think what he'll do to them when he does. Will he kill them? Torture them? Use them against me? Probably all of the above, if not in that order. And there's nothing I can do to defend them; with my powers out of whack, and the necklace Bon gave to me suppressing my demonic abilities, I'd be no match for a demon so closely related to Satan.

"Hey. You okay?" Kaminari eventually whispers, my silence clearly leaning towards uncharacteristic. Nonetheless, I just offer a smile and give his hand a reassuring squeeze, trying to force the confidence into my eyes.

"Yeah. We're gonna be fine up here."

"That's not what I asked," he sighs, though he doesn't seem to be in the mood to pry. He just drops it, kissing my knuckles before standing. "I'll go grab some firewood. It's gonna get dark soon." And then he's gone into the treeline, not returning again until after the camp has pretty much been completely established. Tents are dotted all over the small clearing, bunched in clusters for different friend groups. The girls have their own spot, and the guys are a safe, respectful distance away. Mostly so we've got enough time to stop Mineta if he tries to sneak out for a perving session.

"Thought you'd gotten lost for a minute," Sero snorts when he spots my bolty boy, tossing an arm around Kaminari's shoulders whilst the pair of them just chuckle between themselves. And then a thought hits me. A thought I really didn't want to let into my head, but one that I guess has always been inevitable. Am I really good enough for Kaminari? In all honesty, am I really the best choice for him?

The immediate answer is no, I'm not. I'm an unstable demon. And, sure, he knows that, and has fully accepted it before I'd even worked up the gut to tell him. But, when all of this is over and they have to go home, will it really be realistic for us to keep this going? Whatever we have... Well yeah, it's special. I've never felt anything like it, and I really didn't expect to ever have it this good. Thought I'd spend the rest of my life in the closet or something. He makes me so damn happy, but... I know it can't always last like this. Do I save myself the heartbreak and break things off before they get too serious?

Or do I take the risk, and pray things stay the same?

"Lost? No. It's been a while, but I still know my way around." Wait.

"Huh? You've been here before? Since when?" No.

"Oh, a long time ago."  I don't even get a chance to react before bright, white light spills into the area, searing my eyes with a screaming sting. When it dies down, everyone has frozen around me. Sero's lips have paused mid-word, and anyone who was just realising what was going on has stopped on the spot. Everyone except for me and Kaminari. No. Not Kaminari.


"Hello, Rin. So, how is Assiah treating my nephew?"

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