The Face Of Deception Part 2 ch 31

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"The Face Of Deception Part 2 ch 31"
At AJ hotel-Lila Rae and Spencer we're having breakfast together and enjoying each other company as Lorenzo was watching it he didn't like it one bit.."So where did you grow up "London it was just Mother and Lona and Jax ,Daddy had to stay away "Why"It wasn't safe for my father then to be alive he had to fake his death"Was that hard for you"Yes I hated it ,I love my father but his lifestyle is hard"I'm sure it is What about you "Living on the family island not telling my grandma that my father was alive was hard"We probably had the same childhood "Yes"

Lorenzo was hide as he watched them as Laura came by,,"Lorenzo,Why are you spy on my grandson "I'm looking out for my daughter "Spencer is a great man he will treat you're daughter well"You don't know anything about you're grandson you were not around him when he was raised by you're son and I will not have my daughter hurt by him"Lorenzo left..Laura know that Lorenzo was half right she didn't know Spencer or Nikolas..,

At Jax office-Jax was working when Lona came into the room.."Daddy ,You wanted to see me"Yes I want you to work here"Why"Lona this company will be you're with you're sister I want you both to get the hang of things "Daddy,You're not going anywhere for a long time "No but I just want to show you it"Alright I will take it"Thanks,Maybe AJ will run it when he get older "Maybe "

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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